The word spirit can be applied to about 100 different things this week. The basic idea here is to take time to look for the spirit that shines in everyone and everything. It's not that easy to see spirit in a road raging driver or a demanding customer ahead of you in the line. Often, when we can acknowledge the spirit of a person versus the behavior they're enacting, the spirit perks up and comes through stronger. Can we see spirit in the media? In business? In government? In institutions of higher learning? Can we see spirit in a hospital, an ambulance, a firetruck? The more we see it, the more real it becomes. We might have to start by asking what we think spirit is. It may be time to get rid of any programming we might have about how spirit acts. Spirit may be more wily than we imagine..
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Monday 12/15
We need to know the story that shaped us. Unconscious drives tend to wreak havoc. Know the story you tell yourself and others to make sense of your life. Change the story if you want to. Re-frame events to create a more positive outcome. It's okay to rewrite the story, especially if the new story allows you to be as magnificent as you truly are in spirit.
Tuesday 12/16
Moods are a little on the intense side today. Some of it doesn't even make sense. It is what it is. We always have the potential to choose something else. It may take a bit of effort to find healthy distractions and channels of release. Exercise may be more effective than quiet time. The mind wants to chew on all these shifting feelings. Purposeful exhaustion will work wonders.
What you say here about finding spirit in folks who bother us is interesting. Thanks!