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Inspirational Thoughts

Life & Events > How is Your Day?

How is Your Day?

I thought this was worth sharing.
Have a great day.

I'm WORKING on enlightenment!

Aim high. Visualize peace and prosperity in your world. You create what you think about. Yeah, yeah. We KNOW that. But every once in a while -- poop-- it happens. It's that person in front of you in the express check-out line with 38 items. (You know -- you certainly had time to count each and every one.)
Or it's the loud guy on the cell phone in the next booth at that romantic little bistro, or the kids who threw the plastic bottle out of their car window, or the lady who doesn't clean up after her dog, who just left you some surprises in your Shasta daisy bed. Sometimes, admit it, you're just gonna get pissed.
And you know what? That's actually a GOOD thing! Acknowledging that something has really pissed you off, and then dismissing it and releasing any emotional attachment to it, keeps you healthy.
It's when you try to edit your emotions, and stuff your feelings deep, down inside that you're activating a little ticking time bomb. Some healers believe that stuffed anger manifests as arthritis. Swallowing your words can result in a sore throat or cough. Constantly reliving an unpleasant experience can cause headaches, or worse.
Don't DO that, people!! Get OVER yourself, admit that sometimes, people are just going to tick you off, and then let it go. Acknowledge your unenlightened moments, release them, and move on. You'll even laugh about them later when you're back in your "happy place."
That, my friends, is where I got the inspiration for my brand new design, debuting right here, right now. Behold, "An Un-Buddha-Like Moment!" Of COURSE we're all meditating as fast as we can! But as Richard Bach said in "Illusions," "Here is a test to find out if your mission in life is accomplished. If you're alive, it isn't."
In short, we're all still working on our wings. Happy flying, fellow angels-in-waiting. And keep laughing!
I Love You!

posted on Dec 14, 2008 7:43 AM ()

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