9 Bizarre Ways to Die
posted by Mel, selected from DivineCaroline Feb 9, 2011
Read more: https://www.care2.com/greenliving/9-bizarre-ways-to-die.html#ixzz1DfkDkjRe

By Cassandra Evanas, DivineCaroline
As Grandpa Simpson of The Simpsons will tell you, “Death stalks you
at every turn!” And it’s not just through heart disease, cancer, and
those other oft-quoted causes. Did you know you could also die by
wearing the wrong bra in a lightning storm? Read on for tragic, bizarre,
and downright stupid fatal tales.
1. When Good Bras Go Bad
I knew to steer clear of big sheets of metal and barbed-wire fences
during a lightning storm, but I didn’t know to avoid my bra, too! It
seems odd that one of your instincts should be to unhook and let the
girls roam free when lightning strikes, but that’s exactly what two
women who died in London should have done. According to the New York
Times, they were struck and killed by lightning because of their underwire bras.

2. Like Something out of a Short Story
Some of the most extraordinary American writers, such as Steinbeck and
Fitzgerald, fell victim to wholly ordinary deaths. Not to be outdone,
Sherwood Anderson died in a blaze of glory. Well, not really, but he did
die in a totally bizarre way. He swallowed a toothpick—like so many of
us have almost done at some point in our lives—and died of peritonitis,
an inflammation in the abdominal cavity that provides a long and painful
death. Just as Mr. Anderson left a permanent mark on the American short
story genre, that darn toothpick left a permanent mark on his body. And
you thought splinters in your mouth were bad.

3. Fashion to Die For
Dying as a result of a broken neck is nothing too shocking—unless it’s
at the hands of an unruly scarf. Isadora Duncan, an American dancer who
fancied long, flowing scarves,
met her demise after her scarf—which was wrapped around her neck—got
caught in the axles on the wheels of the car she was in. The wheel
pulled both she and her scarf out of the car and onto the pavement,
where she died. The scarf was later brought in for questioning, but
remained uncooperative.