Abby Lee


Abby Lee
Hefei, 01
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Life & Events > Relationships > Can Love Be Separated from Time and Distance

Can Love Be Separated from Time and Distance

Tracy and me, we know each other since we were six or seven. We played together and became best friends…… But when I was fifteen and he was fourteen, his moved to another place. We went to different High school and began our respective lives. Times went, we gradually lost touch with each other.Frankly to say, I felt sad, not just for losing friendship but also regretting not to retrieve it.

However, during last year’s Christmas, we met each other by chance, at that time, I even didn’t recognize him for I hadn’t seen him for seven years……After some conventional greetings, and we just looked at each other and didn’t know what to say……silence …… I felt embarrassed, I thought he was, too. At last, we shared our cell phone numbers and said goodbye, just like we were making new friendship with each other…… I just could do nothing, I thought.

A few days later, Tracy sent a message to me, but it means nothing, you know, just greetings between friends. So I just replayed him……we began to know each other through messages…….Later, I came here , the city where he studied.( Now don’t get me wrong, I came here not because of him but my elder sister who needed my help in decorating her house, and I thought I needed to work to support myself……) Then one day, Tracy said to me that I was the one he needed, and as he's also my dream man, so now I am his girl friend.......:)

However, the reality gives us a powerful blow. I am always busy with my job and he has to study in university. Every time we only have less than two hours together and it takes nearly half past an hour to his apartment. We all feel tired ……:(

Can love be separated from time and distance ? If the answer is “yes”, then is it true love? I don’t want to doubt the love between us as the chance we find each other is so tiny. I DO NOT want to lose him. But I really feel depressed…….

Someone said that:”A man who doesn’t believe in miracles is not a realist”, I am a realist, but where are the miracles, in my heart? Maybe I need to find the answer by myself.

posted on July 2, 2010 2:04 AM ()


Great story. I used to teach school in Maine, and I was very good friends with a fellow teacher. I left Maine, and I lost contact with my friend. After twenty years or absence, I got in touch with again a few years back, and today it is as if we never separated.
comment by hayduke on July 7, 2010 9:16 AM ()
We are friends now, but not the relationship, you know, just friends. Heart- breaking, but what can I DO to rescue it...thanks again for your sharing...
reply by abbylee on July 7, 2010 5:44 PM ()
I have a question: do you really love him?If you do love him,you two can break out the reality.
comment by lemon2life on July 2, 2010 10:11 PM ()
I definitely love him, I just don't know how to release the loving-stress......:( Passion is not enough to the miracle or the reality.
But still thanks for your question, at least, makes me fee comfortable.
reply by abbylee on July 2, 2010 10:30 PM ()

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