Abby Lee


Abby Lee
Hefei, 01
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Education > Everyone Just Says Change,change,change ...

Everyone Just Says Change,change,change ...

I work in an IT company and most of my colleagues are young and unmarried. So there is a question that we don't like cook ourselves and many choose to order food, by the way, as I live with my elder sister, we cook most of the time.

As most of us just graduated from college and our incomes are...:)you know they choose a cheap restaurant to solve their lunch. Everyday, the same one and of cause, almost the same food.

Last Friday, I remembered, I didn't cook and ordered together.It's really a big big surprise that I found it's hard to get food down...We all complained after the lunch and I decided to cook again although my culinary skill is not good, but at least, I can have a lunch...kk,stop here about me, they decided to order from other restaurants and that one would improve theirs, yes, we, including me, we reached an agreement that day...

On Monday, I cooked myself, so I needed not order. One of my colleagues said he couldn't stand the food, and he asked whether anyone else would order others with him. You know that almost everyone became his followers. But when one asked which one should they chose and may be the next also a bad one, after all, money did know what I mean, uhh...:)then noboday could answer him and yes, at last, the same restaurant, the same food, and most importantly, the same, I thought I was a lucky guy, really...

I am thinking that change really hard for them, my colleagues chose to tolerate, and that's their choice. The lunch case remind of my constant life, how about my unchangeable mind on things?

Sometimes I have adjusted to the old way things happened.I fear the result change brings. I say to myself this one maybe is bad, but if I change it, how can I make sure the next is good...I stop myself to fight for somethings and even lose the courage to fight. I know life likes the running river, and everything I experienced can't happen again. I do regret somethings I did. Every time I promised to myself that I must change next time, or I will die. But you know what, at last, I still do the same old things, it seems that what I said are just words to me. I just stay there and wait for the chance passing by...Lack of action,really...I know it.

Change is so hard and what should we do......Can you give me some advice???

posted on July 27, 2010 11:19 PM ()


Yes, tell us about the place you live. Nenah is right. Be true to yourself.
comment by elderjane on Aug 4, 2010 6:17 AM ()
Yes, I think U are correct, we are all unique, so it's important to be ourselves......
reply by abbylee on Aug 4, 2010 8:19 PM ()
"This above all, to thine own self be true, and thou can'st be false to anyman." Just do what you want and don't care what others say. You might start a piggie bank for all the money you save by cooking. nena
comment by nenah on July 30, 2010 7:29 AM ()
I am learning how to cook well......
reply by abbylee on July 30, 2010 6:54 PM ()
I am 36 years old, and I'm just now learning to welcome change. Life is full of change. We have the choice of welcoming it or resisting it, but we cannot stop it. I enjoyed reading this post.
comment by jerms on July 28, 2010 7:25 AM ()
OK, I will post to you later
reply by abbylee on July 28, 2010 6:04 PM ()
PS: Could you post some pictures of your town?
reply by jerms on July 28, 2010 7:26 AM ()

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