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The Nuthouse

Life & Events > Touching Base

Touching Base

      This is totally a bad time for me to post anything, so blame "sunlight"...lol sorry but YOU asked for it. I'm just kidding but we really do get invested in those we read...don't we? I do. Sunlight wrote to me and said "JUST POST A sentence or two so we know your alright!"  I can relate totally. I read some of your blogs and I WANT desperately to read your NEXT one, or to read your REPLY to whatever lame comment I wrote. Isn't it amazing how close we can become over a medium such as MyBloggers or even the Internet in general? Or at least how close we feel towards each other? Society today is different than it was years ago. We never have to leave out house to have friends. How wonderful, how sad. Don't get me wrong, I cherish those of you that write me personally and encourage me, but the fact is , some of you on the Intranet are my CLOSEST friends...that seems sad to me, oh well, it is what it is.
   Personally, I've had a pretty shi##y day today. No reason, except I've chosen to concentrate on the negative and not the positive things in my life. I think we all have a certain amount of positive and negative things that happen to us day to day. What we concentrate on, is how we view life in general. I'm NOT saying that KNOWING that helps necessarily, but that's how I see it.
   Today, life sucks big time. I'm a politically minded kinda guy and I don't think either of the three contenders are "good" for our country.  In fact either could be HORRIBLE for different reasons. I won't get in to that because that's for my "other blog." The fact remains that I'm raising a daughter and in this society I definitely have my work cut out for me. It is truly not easy for ME to not give up hope. Say what you will, but today's society condones everything from crucifixes in urine to sex with sheep. I'm at a loss as a parent.
Well Sunlight, and all like minded, there is your sentence or two. I'm Trying to HOPE for a better future for my kid, but today...today in particular it's hard, I WOULD tell you WHY but then you would figure out WHO I am and you would not like me anymore (NOT  you personally Sunlight)....how sad. I could be judging some of you harshly, I'm just going by some things you have said in the past, not necessarily to "Yesterday."

posted on Apr 22, 2008 4:08 PM ()


Glad you're still with us, bro.
comment by hayduke on Apr 30, 2008 9:33 AM ()
Thanks for posting. It's good to know you are doing well.
comment by hopefields on Apr 24, 2008 4:32 AM ()
I have yet to see a judgmental person here. I think that we are all very open and free with our comfort and support. Be yourself, always-- Daughters can be very difficult to raise--
comment by angiedw on Apr 24, 2008 2:48 AM ()
I'm glad you posted, even if you weren't in the mood. I have an idea of why you weren't feeling in such a good mood yesterday, if it had to do with politics... the election? I am pretty interested in the elections and politics, also. I enjoyed it. Thanks for posting!
comment by sunlight on Apr 23, 2008 1:59 PM ()
It's getting better all the time...I believe someone made a song like that
comment by strider333 on Apr 22, 2008 8:38 PM ()

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