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The Nuthouse

Life & Events > I Was Almost Rich!

I Was Almost Rich!

  So, I don't know many more stories to tell you. It's not that I don't have more, I do. I just don't know that they would be interesting. I don't know what you would like to know. Feel free to ask questions, I will answer anything. After all, you don't know WHO I am. I think we've (and I include pecan here) established mental institutions are managed by ghouls. I was in and out about 7 or 8 times. I could tell many more stories I guess.
   Most stays were about 8 days to two or three weeks. In the end, I actually liked going on some levels, I would check myself in. I would go there and just be an animal. Terrible I know, it's just what it was. The people there were like no others I've met before or since. I can tell you this, I LISTEN when I meet a person suffering with some sort of mental "disorder." many times they are SMARTER than the average person. If you dismiss them out of hand you may miss grains of wisdom in their ramblings.
   How about a funny story for a change.
   I was in once and thought of an entrepenurial enterprise. Everybody wanted their coffee in the morning but after breakfast was over you couldn't get anymore. The sinks in the restrooms would spit out practically boiling water.  I started selling coffee at one dollar a spoonful. I could sell cream and sugar for a quater each to go with it.  I sold out as fast as my girlfriend could bring it in. It was great! I got caught and they put a stop to it in a hurry! We didn't care, we would just go smoke a joint and try to forget we couldn't have our coffee.

posted on Apr 11, 2008 6:28 PM ()


Now, that's expensive coffee! And coming from the toilet!!
comment by redimpala on Apr 12, 2008 7:25 PM ()
At a dollar a spoonful, I think you're STILL cheaper than Starbucks!
comment by hayduke on Apr 12, 2008 6:50 AM ()
Gosh, this sounds like my grocery store that only gives free coffee in the morning. Somehow I always miss the deadline. I love walking around shopping with a cup of coffee. So, you were thinking... always thinking!
comment by sunlight on Apr 11, 2008 10:41 PM ()
Now that is capitalism at its finest!
comment by angiedw on Apr 11, 2008 7:28 PM ()

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