I followed your advice and joined MyBloggers. Personally I still think Hubert Humphrey is just about the greatest American never to be elected president and I am still angry that the liberal Democrats helped elect Nixon.
What a sad time in our nation: JFK, MLK and RFK. would that we elect a President that can restore our integrity and honor and dignity. Nixon was a disgrace to the office and so is Bush
This was hard to watch...and a lost year of hope 1968, if RFK would have lived, we would be living in a much different America even today....
This was tough to watch. What times those were. I've always thought that JFK's murder marked the end of the "good ol' days" and that the killing of RFK and MLK took us into the horror of the Vietnam years. American cities ablaze in riot, the Chicago convention in '68, the protest in the streets, Kent State. Incredible times.
Nixon was awful and an embarrassment to the office of President. What amazes me is that he continued to be recognized as an adviser after all that he was accused of. Please.
Your so right on this.Bobby would have beaten him to a pulp. Nixon one of the worst prez that we had along with Bush.