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Warning Grouchy Old Man

News & Issues > I'm Very Disappointed in You MyBloggers Blogers!

I'm Very Disappointed in You MyBloggers Blogers!

Are you going to let 2200 Marines be unsupported by the Americans they are fighting for. Where's you rage, aren't you mad?

I loved this bloging site, because you took stands on what you believed in.

Now when these 2200 Marines need someone to say "Hey what the F--- is going on George" no one wants to say anything.

Well I may get censored but I don't care.

It's not right!

It's wrong!

and It's about time we hold the Bush administration responsible!

The rest of you quiet ones can kiss off.

I love this country!

I won't stand for it to throw these young brave men away like it's nothing.

I've seen many a battle, the thing that keeps you going is you know when it's time for you to go home.

God Bless America

God bless our troops

and may God have mercy on you for just standing by.

posted on July 3, 2008 4:57 PM ()


I am for giving the maries and all other service people full support. Give them what they need to finish this. Nena
comment by nenah on July 5, 2008 8:15 AM ()
Thanks for this post. I've been blogging about this situation for months. Sometimes I wish that I had the youth and techno skill to do more. I agree with you that you can't ##### if you don't participate (i.e. vote) but I sure as hell don't care for having to always pick the lesser of the proffered evils. Arggghhhh!!!
comment by looserobes on July 4, 2008 8:34 AM ()
When people do say or do anything, they are virtually ignored. I think it is a waitig game. We all lose. When Dennis Kucinich read into the record, the articles of impeachment, how much support did he get? Actually how much press did he really get? It seems as if everyone is just waiting for him to go away. It's been a LONG, sad eight years... not even ended YET!
comment by sunlight on July 3, 2008 11:45 PM ()
My wife's cousin was ready to leave the guard after a tour in Iraq...we'll they said no way...he was getting married and had signed up for college. His father served two tours in Nam. Two months after being back in country, he was killed...enough said, just writing this brings back the sadness and a veteran, you just seem to get numb to the lack of understanding of what this all means...what a sincerely sorry mess
comment by strider333 on July 3, 2008 10:53 PM ()
Bush is just buying time.The next President will have his hands full on day one. Laurie
comment by dogsalot on July 3, 2008 7:17 PM ()

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