Those Marines were given a promise by you the Commander and Chief of all armed forces.
While we are on the subject where is our Regular Military? Do we still have one? Why aren't rotations of regular troops going on? We call them reserves for a reason! Oh now I remember the Republicans wanted to cut the budgets back when your buddy Newt had that mandatory election vote! So they closed how many Military bases? Re-lined how many units? Said we don't need a full strength military any more. How I understand the Army's slogan "Army of one"
Pentagon Breaks Promise to Marines
Posted: 2008-07-03 16:25:21
Filed Under: Nation News
WASHINGTON (July 3) - The Pentagon has extended the tour of 2,200 Marines in Afghanistan, after insisting for months the unit would come home on time.
The 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit, which is doing combat operations in the volatile south, will stay an extra 30 days and come home in early November rather than October, Marine Col. David Lapan confirmed Thursday.

Iraq and Afghanistan: Comparing the Wars
Win McNamee, Getty Images
Troop Deaths: The number of U.S. troop deaths in Afghanistan per month is now about equal to those in Iraq. In June, 45 international troops, including 27 Americans, died in the Afghan war's deadliest month to date. In Iraq, June's death toll was 31, including 29 Americans.