No matter how her handlers "fluff" her up to make her come across as more human and less cold and calculating, I can't get the stories of her throwing stuff at people (her husband?) in the White House out of my mind. Or some of the other things I remember.
I can fix the picture so others can see what I see...

LEGAL: AP photo (at least it was before I got to it)
It's funny that the Democrats reportedly intend to attack McCain on the grounds that his temper is out of control. Interesting tactic -- make your opponent sound a lot like your own candidate. That's politics for you. It's about perceptions and not reality.
Here's an interesting reality. As cold and calculating as I think she is, I'll still vote for her if the GOP nominates a fruitcake catering to the Religious Right or if they start up with the conspiracy theories from the last decade in their attack ads.
I am being cynical? Jaded? Probably. I've just read too many biographies!!!