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Politics & Legal > How I See Barack Obama

How I See Barack Obama

Before I say anything else, I've defended this guy against some very disgusting attacks. He is not Muslim, he says the pledge and sings the national anthem, he holds his hand over his heart. If you post ANY bullshit comments about that,I will gladly rip you a new asshole.

I've made it clear he's not my first choice for president. He's not even my first choice in his party. If I were given only a choice between him and Hillary Clinton, I would take Clinton even though I think she got where she is more from riding on her husband's coattails than her own merits (give me a fucking break if you think she sat on the board of Walmart or was made partner at Rose Law Firm without ANY regard for the fact she was married to the governor of Arkansas). She may have risen to great prominence on her own. But she didn't. Not only that, she stuck with him and parroted his lies blaming his political opponents instead of him when he got caught fiddling around with interns and lounge singers. If she wants to have an open marriage, that's her business. But attacking "vast right wing conspiracies" for your husband's sexual appetite turns personal lifestyle concerns into politics. I still resent that, and I'm not even right wing.

Why Hillary over Obama? Because I think she's the more pragmatic of the two. She had her ass handed back to her in grand fashion when she tried to take over a seventh of the national economy as an unelected official. She also found through the rest of her husband's administration that she can get more of what she wants through piecemeal changes than radical changes.

In contrast, I'm wary of anyone who offers "change" for the sake of change. As good a speaker as Senator Obama is, I don't care for change for the sake of change. I don't care how well someone delivers a speech (I'm more likely to read it than watch or listen anyway; Obama is much less electrifying in print). I disapprove of the policies where I know Obama's positions and what "change" will mean in those areas. I don't think he's mainstream -- except to the far left of the Democrat party (who tend to confuse themselves as the mainstream because they isolate themselves from the real world and really don't know any better).

I think Senator Obama will lose a lot of his shine as soon as the nomination is secured. That's when the spotlight turns away from appealing to the party ideologues and moving back to the center to appeal to moderates and independents. That's when he'll have to explain the kinds of changes -- in detail -- he wants. I don't think he can win over the middle who decide elections.

I won't be too worried even if he is elected. We won't abandon Iraq in the irresponsible manner he says we would in his administration. He won't have super-majorities in Congress to rubberstamp so he'll have to compromise if he wants to get any of his more grandiose schemes passed.

That will alienate his more hardcore "pro-change" supporters. The irony is our system was set up to prevent change and radical shifts -- to protect the country from the people jumping on the Obama bandwagon.

posted on Feb 16, 2008 9:19 AM ()


I tend to agree. I have felt from the very beginning two things: 1. Obama was too far to the left 2. He does not have a realistic grasp of how he plans to implement all these changes. I too would take Hillary over Obama. She is more moderate, and she has proven that she is no quitter. By the way, I too did not like her blaming the "other party" for the fact that her husband can't keep his pecker in his pants.
comment by redimpala on Feb 19, 2008 1:16 PM ()
I really think voting for Obama is just what this country needs to realize that becoming the most taxed country in the world is what a lot of people really want with all of their hearts and souls. A naive smooth talking idealist? Where do I sign up? They seem to think that he won't end up just as crooked as every other politician in Washington once he gets elected. I think that is funny. It's kind of ridiculous if you ask me that there are people out there who are voting for the guy who has said NOTHING.

What it should say is "Change, a good promise to make for voters who have no business voting."
comment by jtruant on Feb 17, 2008 8:07 AM ()
I really haven't made up my mind about Obama--personally I feel he gets that 'orator's' voice when he speaks--sounds put on to me.

'He won't have super-majorities in Congress'--now here I disagree with you--I think people are realizing that they need a majority of their party if they want to get anything done--if the democrats do get a president elected I think they will also sweep the House and Senate!!
comment by greatmartin on Feb 16, 2008 10:40 AM ()
I like Hillary, she's smart as a whip and tough as nails. The problem is, she can't win. I really don't know why or if it's fair, but her negatives are higher then her positives. And I really don't think people like the prospects of a Bush, Clinton, Bush, Clinton. That's not change, and I believe this country is in need of a real change and new type of leadership. I was a Hillary fan until recently, until I started to pay attention to Obama and seen Bill and Hillary poll some Rove tactics in South Carolina. They're both up here in our state (Wisconsin)now and Hillary is throwing up some real garbage with her TV ads here. However, I guess it's hard to get your numbers up with out doing something. And apparently this is what she feels she has to do. With the exception of Milwaukee, this is a Lilly white state. If Obama whips Hillary here, she's in trouble. In the end, I'd love to see the first woman president. However, this is a unique year because we'll all see when the smoke clears if America is ready to elect either a woman or black as president. We'll see.
comment by strider333 on Feb 16, 2008 10:29 AM ()
Excellent post,and I mean it.
Your right on your view,so will keep quiet so that you will
not rip my as--hole open.
Now,Val this is my thing.Hillary is getting a bum rap on this.
People still conect her to Bill,all the problem that he cause.
She had taken a lot of hit for this,and it is too bad that she
has to put up with it.
I like Hillary and voted for her.
But,will support my party whoever win.
I am not sure what Obama has in mind,but do feel a little
uncomfortable about this.
To bad that we didn't have more choices.This could be scary.
Am I safeLike I said,great post.
comment by fredo on Feb 16, 2008 9:41 AM ()

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