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Sports & Recreation > Baseball > How I Saw the Congressional Hearings Today

How I Saw the Congressional Hearings Today

It's obvious at least one person -- Brian McNamee, Roger Clemens -- is lying. I think they both have serious credibility issues.

If Clemens is to be believed, everyone else around him has misconstrued or misunderstood him: McNamee, former teammates including Andy Pettitte, investigators, and even the congressmen and congresswomen who participated in today's grandstanding hearings.

McNamee admitted he's been less than candid to investigators and reporters. As to the latter, he was not under oath nor was he obligated to tell the truth, whole truth, and nothing but the truth to the fucking New York Times. His obligations to investigators is different, but his behavior is not unlike what happens when one criminal is asked to squeal and turn on another criminal -- prosecutors often get just enough in bits and pieces to proceed rather than the whole unvarnished truth. Suffice to say, anyone involved in criminal activity is no boy scout. Some congressmen were very quick to jump on this, and I agree with Chairman Waxman that some of the remarks to and about McNamee were out of line. More about this below

McNamee gets a bit more credibility in this, though, because he's been corroborated by others he implicated. Andy Pettitte's statements support McNamee's. Chuck Knoblach's statements support McNamee's. Debbie Clemens' statements, provided through her husband in today's hearings, support McNamee's.

So the only hold out is Clemens, though Pettitte and Pettitte's wife both discredit Clemens.

So I see both McNamee and Clemens similarly, but one of them appears to have a bigger problem going forward.

The worst part of the hearings today was GOP Congressman Dan Burton's knee jerk grandstanding against McNamee, using his allotted time for showing what a real asshole he (Burton) can be.

Dan Burton (R-Indiana)
(as seen by Vladimir)

Is this one of the same douchebags who held up Congress for a couple years investigating a blowjob? Oh yes, Vladi never forgets. Burton is one of the biggest hypocrites on Capitol Hill.

(Note: I checked the TOS. I will un-censor that photo if that particular body part can be depicted at mybloggers.)

posted on Feb 13, 2008 2:27 PM ()


A politician grandstanding??? A politician an arsehole??? Shocking! I say shocking!
comment by greatmartin on Feb 13, 2008 7:12 PM ()
If I ever get called to testify before Congress, I will wear a Gorilla suit and plead the Fifth. What an opportunity for "lightening up" those stuffed suits!

HE TOOK STEROIDS? O. M. G.! Off with his head! Now, if he'd toked a little ganja I would understand, but needles? Can we "asterisk" his Cy Young plaques up in Cooperstown?

I tend to believe the trainer and Pettite. I hope this drags on because the pitchers report this weekend and if Roger is held up in D.C., the Yankees may have a slow start to the season!!!
comment by jondude on Feb 13, 2008 3:43 PM ()
Pinnochio.. that's mean, he was lying
comment by mustakim on Feb 13, 2008 2:42 PM ()
What?! I missed something political!! What's this about? I have been all wrapped up in the super-delegate hoopla and the FISA/immunity chaos and must have lost focus...

I doubt they will let you uncensor that one..
comment by ekyprogressive on Feb 13, 2008 2:42 PM ()

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