Don Paskowski


Don Paskowski
Gloucester, MA
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Life & Events > Do Not Drink This at Home

Do Not Drink This at Home

I got an Energy Drink off the snack truck at work this AM. I thought I'd try it because I'd never seen it before and you can't buy it in stores here or give it to kids. I drink Monster Energy Drinks all the time and this new drink blows Monster's doors off. It even made me sneeze because t goes right to your nose. The stuff tastes nasty and I'll never drink it again. I still fired up. See below:

I wanted to take a picture of the disclaimer on the side of the can. But I couldn't get in focus so you could read the
words. It was very funny. "This message is for those people too stupid to realize the obvious. There is no cocaine iin this product (duh), and it is not meant to be anything other than an energy drink."

(Incidentally, I still feel wired and I finished it about 2 hours ago....Yikes!)

posted on May 13, 2008 10:19 AM ()


Whoa I think I'll pass...I don't do energy drinks..but the disclaimer is funny
comment by elfie33 on May 14, 2008 3:51 PM ()
holy crapola! I've briefly heard of the stuff. I don't generally drink energy drinks though. If I did, it would be a sugar free red bull
comment by firststarisee on May 13, 2008 3:00 PM ()
2 Hours later? Holy smokes! Interesting marketing gimmick. I love the disclaimer, which leaves me wondering how many crack heads have tried snorting the stuff?
comment by mellowdee on May 13, 2008 1:37 PM ()
Sound like a gimmick to sell this stuff.
comment by fredo on May 13, 2008 12:43 PM ()
I can think of a good way to spend that extra wired energy.
comment by janetk on May 13, 2008 11:18 AM ()
I love the disclaimer! How funny is it that they felt the need to include it!
Sounds like it really got you hopping.
comment by lunarhunk on May 13, 2008 11:12 AM ()

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