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Politics & Legal > Divide and Pander

Divide and Pander

Maybe it’s just my Chicago perspective that makes me think this way but are Democrats becoming the more popular of the two parties these days? That just doesn’t make sense to me. These Democrats have been using the same obvious tactics for well over a century and The People still have not grasped its demented nature. And it’s so simple to understand, really; first you divide The People against one another then you pander to the groups that hold the greater voting power.

It is truly amazing how many categories they’ve been able to compartmentalize us into. There are, of course, the old standbys; the blacks, the whites, the browns and yellows. And God forbid I should forget the redskins. We’ve still got the gays vs. the straights and the fems vs the men. And if we had too much time on our hands we could get into our religious divisions and a hundred other differences that keep us at each others’ throats. Nor dare we forget the newest and fastest growing of all the races – the greens! Oh? You hadn’t noticed that Dem/Lib/Education complex has divided us yet again? I’m telling you that out of entirely fabricated whole cloth a new category of people have been created in the family of man: the ‘save the planet’ green people. Yes, they exist in great numbers now and, yes, they are quite different from the rest of us; and though they may be new you can be certain that they will be making a lot of the decisions about your lifestyles from here on out. There’s just no stopping them.

They’re sneaky these Dem/Libs. You can’t always tell what they’re up to even after they’ve done their dirty work. I’m sure, for example, that you’ve sensed but have never quite been able to define another social division that has come of age in our lifetimes. I’m talking about the phantasmagorical battle of the bigots vs. the non-bigots. It is a fantastic joke on the struggle of man to defeat his own shadow. It has nothing to do with whites versus blacks or any of the other divisions I’ve mentioned. It’s all about the white bigots vs. the white non-bigots. It’s a rollicking comedy of white people all pointing in different directions saying ‘I’m not the bigot; he is!’ And all of them voting Democrat to prove that he/she really is not the bigoted one. If you happen to be a Republican it is likely because you are secure enough in your objectivity not to be suckered into this melee’.

Without doubt one of the hottest contested divisions these days involves the Left-wingers vs the Right-wingers. In fact this article is written in support of the Right-wing perspective. And while neither side will deny that all the divisions I’ve noted so far are real the Left will deny that they have created any of them or would dream of enflaming them for political or financial advantage. But they have. Which brings me to the issue that is galling me today; class warfare.

We can trace this one back to the French Revolution and the proletariat vs the elite. The great rabble rouser of the mobs in those dark days was an avant-garde Leftist philosopher by the name of Jean Paul Marat. Not only was he responsible for inciting the mobs to unspeakable violence he and his movement were also responsible for inventing the terms Left-wing and Right-wing that we still use to define our political positions today. It was progressive thinkers like Marat and Robespierre who, under the authority of the “Committee of Public Safety”, removed the heads of King Louis and 50,000 elites and their suspected sympathizers.

It is easy to see that the French Revolution was the inspiration for Marx and Orwell but it is not always so easy to see that class envy is a tool used with great effect by the American Democrat/Socialist party. I’ve seen Obama and his spokespeople wield it a thousand times in this election already. But hardly any of us have noticed this at the conscious level. It’s just part of a pattern in an endless drumbeat of class envy. Living here in the gulag of Chicago I had hardly taken note of it myself until last week when d’mare of d’city whipped it out to in response to an attack on his gun ban:

“This decision really places those who are rich and those who are in power will always feel safe.” (Sic)

Talk about Orwell! Here we a have a rich and powerful jerko.. inciting the mobs against the rich and powerful! But I guess if you’re rich and powerful and you’ve got a hundred taxpayer funded security guards surrounding you, you might not see a need for ordinary people to defend themselves. And, come to think of it, when you’re leading a dictatorship the last thing you need in your neighborhood is an armed citizenry.

The point, however, is not the issue of guns. It is the issue of how easily and cunningly the Dem/Socialists go about dividing We, The People, against ourselves. In the case of Mare Daley we have a fool pulling out the biggest class envy card I’ve ever seen in the most obvious ploy I’ve ever seen. Why it’s practically as if Jesse Jackson had played the race card by using the “N” word!

Jesus understood it, Lincoln understood it, and every politician today understands it too. How do you control the people? You divide them against one another:

Mark 3:23&24 – “…how can Satan cast out Satan? And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.”

All I suggest is that when any of these crap politicians play any of their division strategies against us we take note of it and whenever possible call them out for it. If one of them pulls it at a town hall meeting or utters it in a speech just yell out “BIGOT!” Or maybe just attend wearing a button with “Mark 3:23&24” printed on it. I can get some made for you if you like. Laura? Bill? Sean? Care to put some up for sale at your blogs?

If our kingdom is going to stand we have to stop these Dem/Socialist dividers.

posted on July 27, 2008 7:11 AM ()


Smearing Obama - like swift-boating John Kerrey - means telling the TRUTH about a democrat's past actions and their record!!!!
comment by oldfatguy on July 29, 2008 1:58 PM ()
A contraire, prior to the late 1960's and/or early 1970's, the national democrat party was THE PARTY of the KKK, segregation, Bull Conners, George Wallace, J Edgar Hoover, Orvill Fawbush, and the most anti-black rascist politician of all times, Al Gore senior of Tennessee. Now they try to divide us (and/or conquer???)with touchy-feelyism, man-made global warming hype/hoax, must make our fair and equitable contributions (VERY HIGH TAXES), and any and all other kinds of gloom and doom propoganda!!!
comment by oldfatguy on July 28, 2008 7:11 PM ()
This sounds like a rant on Rove? George the second has been using this rose for over 7 years? One thing is certain, there's one big club both the parties have in common and you and I are not in it...
comment by strider333 on July 27, 2008 9:25 PM ()
George Orwell's 1984 described the perils of dictatorships on the citizens for example perpetual war. In Animal Farm he mocked the Communist parroting of slogans. Orwell ridiculed Marxists. He would mock the Bush regime's claim to being a constitutional democracy.
That is why you smear him as a Marxist.
comment by bumpedoff on July 27, 2008 8:07 AM ()

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