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News & Issues > Michael Row Your Boat Ashore

Michael Row Your Boat Ashore

Michael Savages’ days are numbered. Good for show biz, bad for Democracy.

Mr. Savage is a mass of bad traits redeemed by only a couple of good ones. He’s crotchety, he’s angry, he’s horribly insulting and he’s grossly intolerant. That doesn’t cover all of his bad points but his personality is not actually relevant to his departure from radio should he suddenly disappear. The reason Michael may be going is that some people do not believe in freedom of speech.

We need the Savage point of view and we need access to information that he alone has had the audacity to dredge up and share with the American people. His delivery of this information was absolutely the worst but considering what was being delivered his plain brown wrapper packaging was plenty appropriate. He didn’t just dig up garbage he shoved your face in it.

I don’t expect that other talk show hosts will come to his defense because Michael doesn’t just play a hater on the radio, he actually is one. And I don’t mean that in the sense of his racial, sexual or political intolerance. This man has made it a point to insult every human being he has ever come into contact with or thought he had to compete with. He actually believed that peddling an intense level of hatred would appeal to a certain caliber of people. But I think the phoniness of it is easily seen through by his brethren in the business. It’s all cheap theatrics and sell-out behavior for ratings. And if this is what his fellow broadcasters think they have at least maintained their professionalism in not having lashed back at him.

When he was bad he was very, very bad but when he was good he was outstanding. He tried to be good last week. He tried to show us a medical/government collusion in the treatment of “autistic” children. There are many levels to this scam but the victims end up being the children and the tax-payers. I don’t care to get into the details except to point out the part that most infuriates me about the ‘autism’ scam. We, the People, are being made to pay for it! Money grubbing parents are dragging their children to dishonest doctors to have them diagnosed for an easy government check. And autism is only one of the phony ‘conditions’ the government will spill social security money for.

Unfortunately autistic children are a sensitive subject and an insensitive man like Savage is not the man to be delivering the news of this particular scam. He screwed it up. He knows he screwed it up. And he made himself vulnerable to those who wish to silence the political correctness resistance movement. He’s made the whole movement a little more vulnerable. As a result those of us who stand against political correctness are torn over whether or not to support Michael; a man who never showed mercy to anyone but who now begs for ours.

I have to think that somewhere in his mind he’s always understood that the day would come when he’d have to pay the price for his cruel treatment of the people beneath him (that would be everyone) and he’s not really all that surprised that the day has dawned. But I myself am personally surprised to find him reacting in the pathetic manner that he has, peddling his soul in the suitcase of a salesman, searching for the Al Sharpton of autistic children who will grant him the forgiveness of political correctness.

Some champion of the cause he’s turned out to be.

posted on July 24, 2008 9:06 AM ()

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