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Politics & Legal > And Here's the Beauty Part

And Here's the Beauty Part

Judging from the lack of response to my two most recent posts on the proposal to establish a citizens’ oil reserve it seems I have failed to make clear the need and benefits of such a program. Let me elaborate.

START UP: Once having established a charter the co-operative can begin to sell a predetermined number of memberships (5,000?). Members will be entitled to certain rights and benefits including profit sharing, dividends and voting privileges. The co-op will hold no shares and members will be limited to the ownership of a single “membership”. With the capital raised from sales of memberships and other monetary sources the purchase of facilities for operation may begin. Facilities would consist of operating service stations, overland fuel tankers, fuel storage facilities, etc. The objective of the co-op will be to function as a common gasoline retailer with making profit for reinvestment as its secondary goal and community enrichment as its primary concern.

RESERVE PRODUCT: In keeping with the aim of bettering the community, service station outlets will offer the sale of gasoline on reserve by the gallon. The ownership of a reserved gallon of gasoline might be embodied by a paper certificate or a metal chit of a secure design. The immediate attraction to the purchase of reserved fuel for the customer is that he can buy his fuel months or years in advance at a price that may be half of what it will be when he actually claims his purchase. The secondary attraction, and one that may prove far more valuable than the first, is that his purchase will be guaranteed. In other words if every other oil company in the nation were forced to shut down for lack of supply the co-op would continue to honor his certificates from its physical reserves.

SECURITY: One of the first objectives of the co-op will be to lease land from a stable offshore country in order to build its reserve supply of fuel in a place secure from U.S. authority. The laws of eminent domain here make it impossible to guarantee that public holdings will not be confiscated at the need or whim of this government. With a secure reserve of fuel a new Fort Knox will be created. A commodity of great and universal value will stand behind every reserve certificate. Real money will exist in the world again for the first time in more than half a century. It will be immune from all of the plagues of inflation, government manipulation and market corruption. And if our present U.S. currency should crash in value as the trend now suggests or if it should collapse altogether as may happen when the administration changes a substantial People’s oil reserve could carry all of us through the crisis.

NATIONAL SURVIVAL: There are ongoing efforts both internal and external to destroy this nation and all of Western civilization by undermining the value of its currencies, especially the dollar. The effects of these efforts are presenting themselves like the symptoms of a fatal disease. Meanwhile our government is drugging us to mask the symptoms while nourishing the disease. It is inevitable that a monetary collapse will occur, only the date is uncertain. If We can establish my proposed back-up monetary system and build it to a substantial bulk what might that do for us if the dollar collapses?

Suppose the dollar did collapse and you owned a few hundred of these certificates. What would you do with them? You almost certainly would not buy gas. You’d go into survival mode and realize that although the trade value of your certificates was enormous gasoline would be a need far down on the list of your survival needs. First on the list would be food.

So…as long as you had a certificate to trade you would be able to eat and survive.

Who would you trade with to get that food? A grocer, a butcher, a baker; anyone who could fill your need and whose need you could fill with your certificates. long as certificates circulate commerce goes on.

How would your certificate fill the need of a grocer? He’ll need that certificate to keep his shelves stocked. He’ll trade it to the farmer, the rancher or the dairyman.

So…that certificate moves down the economic ladder and keeps the system going.

When your certificate has reached the base level of economics the farmer, the rancher or the dairyman will trade it for the gasoline he will need to produce more food.

So…our back-up monetary system has bought us the time to recover from whatever disaster we might have to face. At least it might for those of us wise enough to plan ahead.

SELF-DETERMINATION: The power of The People has been virtually extinguished in America. Our votes mean almost nothing because the power brokers understand now that they don’t actually have to hold office to wield power. Senators, congressmen and politicians of every stripe can be bought and sold wholesale - a dime a dozen. And we have no way of ridding ourselves of one of these thugs without the risk of acquiring a worse one. The taking of our power is funded by us. The government demands our money and when we’ve given it to them they are emboldened to demand more. People of the Right understand this. The suicidal people of the Left insist that we aren’t giving enough and will probably put Obama in office to finally nail our coffins shut. Half of us don’t have the sense to save ourselves. And if the other half hopes to get any of its power back without armed revolt it is clear that the first step must be to gather together and reclaim some portion of our financial independence.

Who can print the U.S. dollar? Only the U.S. government.
Who can create money? Any of The People who chose to do so.

Therefore, render unto government the things that are the government’s and to The People the things that are The People’s.

posted on July 18, 2008 8:48 AM ()


This concept does not involve the discovery or accessing of fuel. It is only concerned with 2 things:
1. Creating a citizen's reserve of fuel.
2. Creating a fallback form of currency as a hedge against the failure of the dollar and as a means of establishing a degree of economic freedom.
Off-shore drilling is not my issue. Off-shore storage is.

Labor already is money. Just as gasoline, gold, and turnips are money. They all have trade value. But the value of labor is not consistently measurable. (Though recently Obama gave his support to the Leftist notion of equal pay for equal work as though the government could decide what equality meant in units of work. You guys have got to stop this kind of insanity.)

Nor does this plan have anything to do with reducing dependency on fossil fuels. To begin with I have never bought into the fear of fossil fuels, i.e. "man-made global climate change". I do recognize, however, that these resources are finite. Still, there is no doubt in my mind that enough of it exists to last us well beyond the time it takes to come up with better alternatives in the natural course of time. The panic is completely unnecessary.

I'd like to see you on the board of a Citizen's Co-op. The best cure for liberalism is to force a man to keep a business afloat.
comment by think141 on July 19, 2008 8:04 AM ()
I'm buying a huge grid in a southwest desert where the sun shines every day to construct solar panels to power the entire country...this will force other investors to buy into rebuilding our archaic grid...this will also provide free energy from the sun even if every American had a plug in electric vehicle and would require not one solar panel on any residence. Next I'll invest in electric cars...then the oil companies can go choke on their oil...
comment by strider333 on July 19, 2008 12:39 AM ()
So what you are suggesting is a "gas voucher" type of scenario, which could be used if the dollar crashes as currency, like how some people sell their foodstamps to buy their liquor.

I do see the pluses in what you propose, but this does a few things that raises a red flag to me (and remember, I may just not be getting it, I am not a "business minded" person). What troubles me about it is that it doesn't reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, it would increase it. It also creates another middle man from the oil company to the consumers.

And you discuss offshore drilling which as I have mentioned to others, the department of the interior states that 79% of offshore oil reserves are open for drilling, plus countless acres of land but they are not doing it. That is because 1) they like their prices and their profits, 2)Supply is not the issue and 3) they are just wanting the rest of the land owned by us the commons to be theirs to drill to have future "money in the bank" and to monopolize their market.

I heard an interesting discussion about currency last night, yes from leftist radio, discussing the origins of currency, gold standard, silver standards and the greenback, and the host, Thom Hartmann, proposed this which was based on a former political adviser turned Sci-fi writers fictional world. Currency based on labor, not commodities. Of course, he admitted the politicians being slaves to the corporations and lobbyists would never agree to such a basis of currency. Wished I could remember the writers name, he's in his 80s. Until we get the big money, corporations and lobbyists out of washington, politicians will stay puppets to them. Many on the left in radio call for "public funding of campaigns" as a step to cure this problem, again something the polticians wouldn't agree on. But you know, radical groups who want marriage amendments voted on get it on the ballot though state laws of direct democracy, getting enough signatures to force it on the ballot. Why can't the people do that on real issues like these, or secure voting systems, and so on...
comment by ekyprogressive on July 18, 2008 9:46 PM ()
I think it's great that you are thinking of alternative ways to create a solid currency backed by a valued commodity. American ingenuity is what will build this country back up and keep it strong.
comment by whereabouts on July 18, 2008 9:37 AM ()

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