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Politics & Legal > Dear John

Dear John

Congratulations John. The ovation ending your speech did not drown out your final words. I believe you said, in effect, that ‘there would be no inevitable candidate now’. I suppose that in one sense your statement is true. It is no longer just inevitable that a woman or a black will serve our nation in an executive capacity; it is now a certainty. And who would ever have imagined that you of all people, John, would have made it so.

I hope that when you made that statement referring to my “Open Letter” at Blogster (Jan. ’07) it was said with a sense of thanks rather as an angry vindication. I never meant to hurt your feelings or to diminish your chances in this election. My goal was to alert the electorate that the Left intended to sweep one of two Dem/Socialists into the White House based on nothing more than gender or racial entitlement. And you have to agree now in retrospect, my friend, that a backlash to their inevitability was a real factor in the public’s reaction. I mean…how can you deny it when you consider your own visceral response?

I wrote that letter because I could not stand by as another socialist simply waltzed into the Oval Office. I could not just hold my peace after standing by and living through 8 years of the Clinton disgrace. I could not forgive or allow to happen again the insults to and the assault on the American experiment in Democracy. If I was to have any say in it there would not be a Hillary Clinton in office where she might throw open the cell doors for 16 communist terrorists who murdered 6 American citizens and maimed dozens of others decades before 9/11. Her husband did that for the Communist FALN as he left office; an act that was clearly meant as a sharp stick in the eye to the American People and their Democratic ideals for which he has forever held nothing but contempt.

Nor could I stand by silently as Barack Obama, with sinister calculation, schemed to plant his personally designed flag representing his brand of racist Socialism on MY White House lawn. This nation has a flag. It represents me and The People! I shall have no other flags before me.

But I do admit, John, that I have done everything in my power to prevent you from shoving amnesty down the throats of the American People and telling them it was candy. I cursed you then and I will curse you till one of is dead if you will not quit this misguided pursuit of our cultural destruction. The hoards coming over our southern border are not your daddy’s simple farm hands. Murderers, cutthroats and diseased social parasites make up a large percentage of these invaders. If you have no intention of stopping them you are bound by oaths and pledges to tell us why. You will get my vote when you’ve addressed that issue and not before. Time’s awastin’ and straight talk will not be accepted in place of action. Free Ramos and Compeon or reveal to us why they are anything more than political prisoners serving their sentences at the whim of a dictatorial authority.

My friend, I want you to be my President. I want your sacrifices to be rewarded and not simply to be paid idle honor. My nation is on the precipice of irreversible socialism and governmental collapse. I’d appreciate it if you’d straighten that out for me. Do us proud as you always have before.

posted on Sept 5, 2008 7:28 AM ()


Many of us are confused right now. One more time I may end up voting not for some one but against another.
comment by grumpy on Sept 8, 2008 9:58 AM ()
My post that led to the branding of Hillary and Barack as the inevitable candidates was titled "Open Letter To John McCain" and is still available at Blogster. Here is a link (though I don't expect it to work):
comment by think141 on Sept 6, 2008 6:11 AM ()

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