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Politics & Legal > God Sheds His Grace

God Sheds His Grace

If you’ve observed carefully you may have noticed that one of the hallmarks of the Left is intolerance. They can’t tolerate it.

It’s true. They can’t stand intolerance and will not tolerate it from anyone. They especially will not tolerate it from religious people. Well, at least not from Christian religious people anyway. There are many other things the Left will not tolerate but Christianity seems to put a real burr under their saddles; going around with their high and mighty attitudes and their “you’re going to hell” smugness. A lot of ‘em got guns, too. Hmmph.

Personally I don’t know if there is a God. But I’m pretty well convinced that you won’t find Him in any of the sacred books written so far. I am not one of those, however, who is foolish enough to throw the baby out with the holy water. Good religion still has its place in society and will continue to hold that place till the monolith returns and man takes his next intellectual step forward.

I do not disagree with the Left when it points out that at the core of practically every war you will find religion fanning the flames on one side or the other. I don’t believe that’s even debatable. In the U.S. army we would not dream of sending our troops off to war without God being represented in the officer corps. That’s a tradition that goes back to the biblical wars of 3,000 years ago when priests carried their God-in-the-box to the front lines of battle. It’s the same today. When our priests celebrate mass at the front there’s God; right there in a golden cup. It’s a great morale builder; and a necessary one if you intend to send men forward to their deaths.

You can see why this seeming manipulation might make the Left a little peavey. But the argument is not as one sided as it may appear. Sometimes wars are necessary for self-preservation. After all history has given us countless instances where the God of one People decided it was time to wipe out the People of another God – and you and your God have got be ready. We face that very situation today. If our society is going to survive we need our God more than ever right now.

The fact is not to be denied. Western culture is facing the threat of oblivion from Islamic extremists. Not from Islam: but from its extreme militant membership. The battle lines are drawn between their culture and religion and our culture AND RELIGION. To fight without religious conviction is to fight with only one hand. It hasn’t just always been that way it’s the way it must be until civilization becomes a reality and not just a goal.

The truth about religion that you Leftists need to understand is that it is indispensable in man’s present state of advance. Your pride at being human and humane is a delusion of grandeur. Clearly you are no more tolerant than the people you deem intolerable. And if people as humane as you are cannot be tolerant, well…. To put it in Chicagonese; “Mankind ain’t ready for reform.” We still need religion.

The Left does not understand either religion’s purpose or its mechanisms. And what’s worse it doesn’t think it has value or that its effects are significant. But religion is a highly refined system that has been honed to play various roles in every level of every given society. These processes have been evolving since man was first able to contemplate his navel. And it has had a greater civilizing effect on societies than civil law has ever had. It has been in partnership with civil authority from the beginning and, in point of fact, it is the superior partner in controlling the behavior of men who would be civilized. Civil law is only necessary where God’s laws fail to impress.

The question of God’s existence is wholly immaterial. He absolutely exists. He exists because we have created Him and we have created Him because we need him. We still need Him. And I don’t mean that you, the Left, need Him in your personal life. But society needs Him. And it especially needs the Christian God. So suck up your petulant resentment and be true to your intellect. Christianity is the highest advancement in the evolution of religion to date and it has been essential in the construction of the most socially advanced nation in history. If you continue to attack it you will be participating in your own destruction. America exists as a Christian nation and will cease to exist as we have known it if you succeed in banishing Christianity.

Destroying one’s self seems always to be the end result of Leftist behavior. Their blind insistence that civil law by itself is enough to control men’s behavior is utterly naïve and can only be realized if all personal freedoms are surrendered to the State. I pledge allegiance to this one nation under God because one nation without God would be unfit for human habitation.

Can I get an amen brother?

posted on Sept 4, 2008 7:25 AM ()

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