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Politics & Legal > Er, Um Ah ... My Islamic Faith

Er, Um Ah ... My Islamic Faith

It seems as though just about every Right winger wants to jump on Obama’s Freudian slip to declare that he’s hiding his Islamic loyalties. But he’s not an Islamist. He made a Freudian slip, alright, but not the one that seems so obvious. It was a slip that revealed how easily he flips from one religion to another as self-serving circumstances dictate. He’s not a Muslim, he’s not a Christian; he’s not any religion unless you consider communism a religion.

A lot of Right wingers are also saying that Barack is not smart. That’s not true either. I’m willing to bet that Barack’s IQ is in or near the genius level. Unfortunately his mind is bent in that peculiar Leftist way that accepts too much emotionalism in its formulation of concepts. You know what I mean. The measure of what is good or bad is based on how an issue makes you feel. Marxism makes Barack feel good.

Mr. Obama’s brand of Marxism is heavily infused with major portions of racism but his view of religion is purely doctrinal – the doctrine of Marx: “Religion is the opiate of the masses.” Marx understood this and correctly understood it. But he had no use for religion. He wanted fast results. He intended to institute communism by bloody revolution. Barack’s approach is more laid back. He intends to bring communism to America through the same manipulations used by cult leaders. If religion is an opiate it only makes sense to clothe communism as a religion and drug us with that. I view this to be an exceptionally intelligent observation on his part. You say opium, I say kool-ade. Either way we’re all going to overdose when Barack cometh.

Mr. Obama’s intelligence is not to be underestimated. Anyone who could sit through twenty years of Rev. Wright’s cultic indoctrination and not fall under its spell possesses a mind to be reckoned with. Wright’s mix of racism, politics, victimization, and Christian distortions was fine for the little folk but Barack was on the inside of the game from the start. (Decide for yourself where Michelle and Oprah fit into this belief stew.) Barack was in that church for one reason only. He wanted to learn how to use religion to control the masses the way Wright and so many other holy conmen were doing.

It might have worked, too, if guys like Limbaugh and a few other real thinkers had not caught on to the scam early in the game. And there was another small problem as well. When Barack had given his sermons and it came time to feed the masses with the Scriptural loaves and fishes he could not deliver. He could only deliver the promise. His followers all have to wait until he gets into office so that he can take those loaves fishes from the fishermen and bakers who worked for them. The better talk show hosts saw through that one too.

I may be talking idly here. I may be just another blogging fool like a thousand other bloggers. But together we bloggers, hand in hand with the radio-heads, are the purest source of free speech on earth right now. Real news and new ideas are daily put on display here for all to judge for merit. No one outside of these two mediums was going to alert you to who Barack really might be and no one else could possibly have done it. Our present political tyranny is fully aware of this reality and is plotting the best way to shut free speech down. We must not allow it to happen.

No free speech = No America.

posted on Sept 10, 2008 6:54 AM ()


Don't worry. The commies aren't coming here via Alaska. Governor Sarah Palin is making sure of that!
comment by thestephymore on Oct 11, 2008 7:37 PM ()
Very god post.
comment by whereabouts on Sept 20, 2008 7:18 AM ()
Great post--Lots of truth
comment by larryb on Sept 12, 2008 9:24 AM ()

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