The big Republican gathering comes to a close tonight with Johnny “Angel†McCain offering up the last “Beano†speech for them. The party is trying to do everything to distance themselves from the disastrous policies of the last almost eight years. Bush has been serving up his beans and now they think they can run “Beano†for the next four years. They’re betting they serve up the same stuff, but add beano so it sounds a bit different.

Sarah Palin who McCain picked in two hours, is turning into everything they said she wasn’t. It seems more and more that they think Sarah can get women who write with their left hand can be retrained to write with the right? Worse yet, Republicans are getting angry because after they thought they flushed the toilet with a shitload of revelations on Labor Day, there’s just so much more. It’s now becoming clear that there are some serious concerns about “troopergate†to the extent that I’d be shocked if she didn’t do what she’s accused of. Sarah has that same management style of George Bush, if you disagree, fire them or ignore them.

When Sarah became mayor of Wasilla, she asked all department heads to resign where elections are non-partisan. When the police chief had a discussion on some policy issues including closing bars before 5:00 a.m., she fired him. This past May the head of the Department of of Health and Human Services Karleen Jackson citing policy differences with her including the unsuccessful legislation to expand Children’s Health Insurance Program resigned. Some of her problems with staff stem from her relative inexperience in statewide politics said Carl Sherpro a political science professor at the University of Alaska-Anchorage. Sarah being in office for less then 2 years, is still learning where the restrooms are in the State House. When Palin fired Walt Monegan for not firing her former brother-in-law she replaced him with Charles Kopp who resigned two weeks later when it was disclosed that a 2005 sexual harassment complaint against him resulted in a reprimand by the city. A memo also reveals that her husband also met with Monegan before he was fired.

And there’s so much more. Sarah Palin is a June Cleaver with a gun. She’s all those great qualities women had during the 1950’s with the management style of a George Bush, if you don’t agree you’re history. She embraces abortion, was a member of an extreme party of characters wanting Alaska to succeed from the union, supported the “bridge to nowhere, Iraq is a gift from God, the 527 with Stevens and so much more after less then a week?

Republicans think their Beano approach will work, but in the end, the country will be served up Bush’s worst beans once again.

O jeez... forget all that, lets just make sure those "idiots" don't get in office... :))))