So very sad to think that some folks still believe in such differences between the races. I wonder what can we (the royal we) do to help educate and and eliminate such hostility. Good post, Strider.
Strider, it breaks my heart. In my childhood, when we traveled south to my mom's childhood home, we drove through little towns in the south with people, dead people! hanging from the trees. I would have nightmares, and my mother would promise it would change in my lifetime! But that was more than fifty years ago. Have we really made so little progress? Obama is my candidate for president, I had hoped things had changed. But these videos just rip out my chest. How could there still be so much small minded, pin headed bigotry in my country? Let them be consumed by their own hate, mama used to say. Did I get the words "crazy bastards" in there somewhere?
geez!!! Wow... that's just crazy they are still alive and thriving...
Woops...this was meant for a reply from elderjane!
I agree...
It makes me ashamed of my state to think that there are so many hate groups here.
I can't hear stupid reformated comp still has no sound...grr!!
This is sad! Hatred is like a wild fire out of control, destroying all in its path. What has happened to education being an eliminator of rather than a tool for hatred
ugs... I wish you provided text with your videos (I can't watch them at work and almost always forget to come back while I am home)
I don't think it will come from down south.... look at what's happening in Denver. Just some idiot.....