They've been pouring in all week rumbling down the freeway and Milwaukee streets. Downtown riders from all over the United States and from around the world they cruise Wisconsin Avenue with the constant deep throat vibration through out the day. They're every where.
The Harley-Davidson 105th Anniversary Celebration will probably prove to be one of the rowdier festivals on the Milwaukee lakefront -- and elsewhere throughout the city. During this stretch in August it's never uncommon to hear the rumble of a Harley (or maybe ten, twenty or more of them), no matter what time of day, or night, it is. With the new Harley-Davidson Museum now open to the public, this year is certainly not going to be an exception.
Unlike most of the other festivals, the Harley-Davidson lakefront party is part of a much bigger picture. Harleyfest is the capstone of an annual pilgrimage to Milwaukee -- and getting here is half the fun for many participants.
Here is day-to-day line-up for some "official" parties around town. Keep in mind, however, that there are many other affiliated events happening around the city from Wednesday, August 28 - Sunday, August 31.
•Wednesday, August 27
•Thursday, August 28
•Friday, August 29
•Saturday, August 30
•Sunday, August 31
And they finally got it right with the Boss...
And they will be doing this again in downtown Milwaukee..