CJ Bugster


CJ Bugster
Oklahoma City, OK
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My Wild Dreams

Politics & Legal > Justice is So Sweet!

Justice is So Sweet!

Well, here's a real irony if ever there was one. We have a conservative owner here on MyBloggers with a group of writers who are basically progressives.

Over on Blogster, which Eddie previously owned, we have liberal owners on a site that is predominately conservative.

That is, until about two weeks ago when the owners got fed up with the far right finge over there pulling some of the most underhanded, lowest tricks in blogging land that bloggers can pull.

Aside from their sneaky little practice of pinging one another's posts to make it appear that they were the most popular bloggers, they constantly whined that liberals got preferential treatment while their people were being repeatedly punished.

That was true in one regard--a number of their people did get punished for calling others who disagreed with them every vile name in the book. "Bitch", "faggot", "hypocrite", "crazy", "Marxist", "Commie", "Socialist", "Fascist", "homo", were some of the nicer terms this group used.

They ganged up on people, with not one but everyone of a group of about fifteen attacking in force when someone posted a view they didn't like.

It finally all came to a head about two weeks ago when one of the ringleaders threatened to sue the owners if they did not permanently ban me and take down a post that I had written turning the tables and calling far right conservatives the true fascists.

She claimed she had saved all communications between the owners and herself, which her husband, a tin-horn attorney in some two-bit town in Tennessee, was going to use to sue to prove preferential treatment to liberals if he removed her post.

Upshot was that at first the owners bowed to her threats and my post got taken down and I got suspended for a week. I retaliated with proof that these people were ganging up on other people and me with loads of bogus complaints.

I actually had a complaint filed for posting that I was sad that Patrick Swayze had died.

I, in turn, demanded that her post come down and she serve the same one-week suspension. I also proved, with the help of another blogger, that she had plagiarized most of her posts.

Furthermore, I reminded the owner that I HAD an attorney in my family as well with a lot more clout than the one she had.

Upshot of all this was that we are now rid of the four biggest troublemakers on Blogster and things are so much nicer over there.

We still have a few of their "loons", as she herself called them, when directing another blogger to round up some of the "loons" and sent them to another blogger's post who had posted about Sarah Palin.

As she said in her own words, "We need to get rid of that little......"

They are largely ineffective now without their nasty leaders to fall in behind and cheer for.

It cost me a week in cyberspace, but it was worth every minute of it because I finally got to expose the rest of them and her for exactly what they were.


posted on Oct 2, 2009 7:26 AM ()

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