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Parenting & Family > Divorce > Jon Gosselin Sets New Highs in Lowlife Behavior

Jon Gosselin Sets New Highs in Lowlife Behavior

TLC Suspends Production on "Kate Plus Eight"

After Jon Locks Them Out of Family Estate


Jon and Kate shown together on Aug. 28th as the two see their sextuplets off for their first day of kindergarten.
Gosselin, one-half of the previous reality show, "Jon and Kate plus
Eight," continues to set new highlights in lowlife behavior since his
separation and pending divorce from his wife Kate.

latest faux paus involved the two's joint checking account.  Jon
allegedly withdrew $200,000 recently, leaving a balance of only
$1,000.  An account for the children was  untouched.

Kate apparently discovered this when she began getting overdraft notices from the bank.
Celebrity lawyer Marty Singer,
a litigation attorney for Kate, told PEOPLE.com that Jon never warned
Kate he was going to remove the large sum of money from their account
last week, even though the court had told them not to take significant
amounts from joint accounts without the other's approval. Singer says
he e-mailed a stern letter to Jon's attorney on Friday but he hasn't
heard back.

have not responded. I'm sure he will respond by going on another TV
show," says Singer, who noted that Jon’s move flies in the face of
comments Jon made to Larry King that he'd like to put the brakes on hisdivorce.

appearance a week ago came on the heels of Jon receiving notice that
TLC, the network that hosts show, had made the decision to continue the
show as "Kate Plus Eight," minus Jon.

also stated that he had recently had an "epiphany" that the show was
not in the best interest of his children.   When the crew arrived at
the couple's million dollar Pennsylvania home on Monday last week, they
were greeted by a note on the gate stating that they were not to enter. 

they did, the note stated, they would be tresspassing on private
property.  The note, signed by Jon, went on to state that the police
would be called and the crew would be forcibly removed from the
property. Jon and Kate share joint custody of their children.

decision supposedly was based in part on Jon's behavior over the
summer.  Just two weeks after the separation, Jon and Hailey Glassman,
a 22-year-old party girl, cruised the Mediterranean on the luxury yacht
of a famous clothing designer.

Jon later announced that he was there to discuss a clothing line to be endorsed by the couple's sextuplets.
the daughter of Kate's plastic surgeon, has a history of cocaine
abuse.  The next month Jon announced that they were "in love."  In July
he presented her with a $180,000 dollar sparkler that many speculated
was an engagement ring.

network apparently felt Jon's behavior was not conducive to a family
show involving his children.  They have suspended production after
Gosselin got a court order requiring them to halt filming for 90 days.

has no other income aside from the money he received as half of the duo
on the reality show. He was fired from a job he held early on in the
show for allegedly "mishandling" company funds.

posted on Oct 5, 2009 10:28 AM ()

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