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Arts & Culture > Babylon Rising!

Babylon Rising!

If you like mysteries with a unique twist, you may already have read some of Tim LaHaye's novels. He is the creator of the "Left Behind" series, twelve volumes of Christian fiction that first established him as a major writer in this genre. They are the best-selling Christian fiction books of all time. LaHaye is a renowned Biblical prophecy scholar, minister, and author who uses Biblical prophecy and events from The Old Testament to weave fictionalized tales of life then and now into fast-paced mysteries that are real page turners.

In the "Babylon Rising" series, the author's hero, Dr. Michael Murphy, who is both a prophecy and archeology scholar, knows about the real end-time government and the "Man of Sin" "Son of Perdition" or, as many refer to him, the "Antichrist." Murphy goes through life-threatening adventures to stave off Talon (who may be the most vicious terrorist in history) and the seven for whom he works.

The tale the author weaves offers a thrill-a-minute from this writer whose profound understanding of Biblical prophecy makes him one of the most popular authors of our time. The "Seven", representatives of the European countries and South America, are trying to establish a one-world government that will give them control over every man and woman on earth. They may or may not know they are paving the way for this "Antichrist", mentioned by so many of the Biblical prophets.
Murphy uncovers the secret of the Antichrist's near miraculous conception, which indicates he may already be a resident of Planet Earth. In the process our hero is marked for extinction by the ruthless Seven. Those who believe that this process is already well underway, as does the author, will find validation in this novel. For those who see it as doomed to failure, Murphy will ultimately succeed.

The books, known as the "Babylon Rising" series, began with the first of Murphy's trips to Babylon in Babylon Rising, where he explores the theory that Babylon will be rebuilt as possibly the future throne of the Antichrist while he searches for priceless artifacts to validate Daniel's prophecies.

The second novel is The Secret On Ararat, in which Murphy travels to Turkey and discovers the lost ark. But, alas, his nemesis Talon foils his efforts to return with artifacts. Then a huge avalanche once again obscures the ark, preventing further exploration. This novel also furthers the quest for the answers to the end times.
Then comes The Europa Conspiracy with Murphy trying once again to gain safe passage to the ruins of Babylon to search for the "handwriting on the wall." However, as we know, Talon, under orders from his superiors, is out to kill Murphy while he simultaneously plans another terrorist attack on the United States. The Europa Conspiracy takes its name from the mythical Greek noblewoman Europa who was pursued by Zeus. She eventually settles in Crete, where she gives birth to a new continent named Europe in her honor. It explores in more depth the premise that we may be living in the end times.
The author's latest in the series, now available in hardback or paperback is The Edge of Darkness, the countdown to Armageddon.
Each book can be read separately from the other as the author provides enough background to catch one up. If one wants to read them in sequence, he can, however, get the full story and have a rich texture of background material to take him to the next novel.
I suggest one read these novels with the same attitude he might have taken when reading The DaVinci Code. The author of that novel took some liberties with historical fact and church theology because it was, after all, fiction.

So are LaHaye's novels, though he has written non-fiction books in which he explores the belief that we may be living in the end-times. Just as he does in his non-fiction, the author bases his premise on Old and New Testament prophecy, but he too takes liberties setting up a fictional hero to combat those perpetrating events that could propel us to the end of time.
In his works, the author also relates the parallel story of the Biblical characters associated with the story or phophecy. For example, in The Europa Conspiracy, LaHaye relates a parallel story of Daniel and Nebuchadnezzar. He goes into the mind of Daniel in the lion's den and as a young man as well as giving us insight into his interpretation of the personality of Nebuchadnezzar and his son who succeeded him.
I strongly recommend any of LaHaye's books. I am especially enjoying this Babylon Rising series. They are great reads for anyone who loves a good mystery, irregardless of how the reader feels about the Biblical prophecy.web counter

posted on Apr 7, 2008 9:35 AM ()


This is one of my favorite books ever!! I'm going to look for Conspiracy! Thanks for the blog!
comment by dkelly on Apr 7, 2008 8:00 PM ()
Sounds interesting — thanks for the tips!
comment by marta on Apr 7, 2008 3:06 PM ()
Yes, I have read these books. I will have to get these other two. This is something I can take on our D.C. trip. I will need to keep busy with something while hubby is in class all day.
comment by texastar on Apr 7, 2008 2:58 PM ()
I just read the Europa Conspiracy. they are excellant books!
comment by elkhound on Apr 7, 2008 11:32 AM ()

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