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Black Conservative Thought

Politics & Legal > Yesterday's Print Rag

Yesterday's Print Rag

So amazing, the juxtaposition of three totally and seemingly unrelated articles. The first, an interview with liberal ex-senator and current ultra-liberal author, Boren, admonishing people to: "start reading, studying, talking in all forms possible about things that really matter and that will really determine our future. Of this I do so agree, for if these ideas were implemented successfully, there would no longer be any liberalism. The second, from a reader lamenting and/or condemning conservative "talk radio" specifically Rush Limbaugh, for openly and publicly espousing the truth regarding the root causes of our current economic failures. That is, in the 1972 Carter administration program - Community Reinvestment Initiative - that forced banks and S&L's to grant mortgage loans to people who even with 5% down payment would never be able to pay off their loans over 25-30 years no matter what! Forward to 1994, the Clinton administration through the force of the Reno (in)justice dept., with the harassment and threats toward these same financial institutions, now being required (forced) to loan as much as 110% of a home's value, and without even the previous 5% down. Now, with the legally required and mandated use of ARMs, and interest only loans, none of which were to be payed off or even majority amortized; by reason of the urging of Obama and his criminal and corrupt ACORN ilk. But then, as part of this mandated program, these financial institutions no longer cared, for each and every bad/dubious loan was being purchased by Freddie and/or Fannie. In other words, the local banks were being paid large fees for committing the federal government to losing billions of our money. Thirdly, Dem-Lib Ellen Goodman berating Sarah Palin for using "swift boat" tactics , and as we should all know by now, this term really means: "telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about democrat candidates

posted on Oct 12, 2008 7:42 PM ()


This isn't the first time I've heard that Democratic financial strategies are at the root of this crisis. Welcome to socialism, ya'll.
comment by jerms on Oct 14, 2008 2:21 PM ()

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