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Black Conservative Thought

Politics & Legal > Why Only Now??

Why Only Now??

Finally, on the free public airwaves, one person with the nerve and courage to explain what is not so unexpectedly going on in the stock market. The "big bailout" was supposed to revitalize, re-energize, and reinvigorate the market, so why are the numbers going further and further down every day?? FEAR!! Fear of the future under an Obama, democrat administration. The early poll numbers point to an Obama victory, which inevitably means an economic defeat for the American people. Higher tax rates for all WORKING, WAGE EARNING people. Higher tax rates on all Americans, rich and most importantly, the poor; through drastically increased "corporate taxes." Freshman first year economics should teach that corporations - do not pat taxes - they only collect all of this extra money, over and above the cost of their product and/or service, from their customers, and pass it along and through to the various government entities. Whether if you are a millionaire or a welfare recipient, you are now paying an average 18% over and above the true cost of everything you buy, in the name of "corporate taxes." Do you really want this to become 25%-30%???In other words, I could buy this item for $75.00, but since I choose to elect all ultra-liberal democrats, I am allowed to pay $100.00-$110.00, so all of the many different business organizations involved along the line with this product, can pay the new current democrat rate of "corporate taxes." Be very careful of what you wish for, that wish just may come true, and bite you on your BUTT!!!

posted on Oct 13, 2008 9:21 PM ()


I suspect that what you say is at least partly true. But if I were in the market I would not have jumped ship so soon. I'd have waited til closer to election day. Things could still easily turn in McCain's favor.
comment by think141 on Oct 14, 2008 3:48 PM ()
I am not so sure McCain would be the wisest choice either LOL but hey we all have our opinions.
comment by panthurdreams on Oct 14, 2008 2:50 PM ()
Are you a visitor from Pluto my friend...if I recall your man Bush has been in office the last 8 years and 8 percent think we're moving in the right direction? And check out the stock market today...biggest day in history, it must have reacted to Obama's 11 percent lead...
comment by strider333 on Oct 13, 2008 9:28 PM ()

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