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Words! Just Words?
Words! Just Words?
Barak Obama, a Chicago politician laughing about voter fraud; Chicago, a city where more dead people vote - all democrat - than there are living people. His laugh - reminiscent of Eddie Haskell - was like:"so what, anyone who is up to date knows the truth, but he will be elected by his Dem-Lib constituency who do not know the truth, do not care about the truth, but will vote democrat regardless of the candidates qualifications, or lack thereof, his background, or future potential for ruining this country. The democrat party hierarchy is so identical to the old Russian Politburo - steal from the rich ( middle class actually) the real rich always avoid paying most taxes - give just a tiny little fraction to the poor - and keep most of the $$$$'s for themselves. So maybe the famous, or infamous "Joe the Plumber" is not for real, the principles he espoused are real and factual; the sorry-ass disgusting Dem-Libs just do not know how to refute or reply to any middle-class wage earner who has the audacity to think that he should be allowed to keep the majority amount of the money he earns with his own sweat and/or blood. Why does anyone not want to give all of their money to the democrat party to distribute as they see fit and proper ????
posted on Oct 16, 2008 9:17 PM ()
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Project LEAP, incidentally, was founded by Republicans, eager to provide enough Republican Election Judges that the polling places all had Election Judges from both parties.
Chicago hasn't had a really dirty election since before the election of Harold Washington as Mayor. When Harold died, there was some fancy dancing in the City Council and the Deputy Mayor, David Orr, did not become Mayor. Instead, the Aldermen voted in Eugene Sawyer. (We have "Fast Eddie" Vrdolyak to thank for that.) Despite its reputation as a “boss-dominated†city, Chicago's governing structure is that of “strong council, weak mayor." That was how the "Vrdolyak 29†held the whole city hostage under Harold Washington's first term.
Chicago may have had a reputation as a city with dirty elections, but a lot of that has changed for the better over the decades. Also, We are now known worldwide for the Chicago Bulls' Michael Jordan, the basketball player, than we ever were for Al Caponetti, also known as Al Capone.
Catch up with reality before you make these generalizations, please.
Currently, Fast Eddie is up on Federal Charges for making developers pay him a kickback on their developments in his ward.