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Black Conservative Thought

Politics & Legal > Marriage -- Divorce

Marriage -- Divorce

A recent Op-Ed in my local commie rag caught my attention: "Divorce the Church from the State." This of course is a turn around on the U.S. Bill Of Rights issue to keep the "state" from interfering with the "church" or any person's choice of religion.
In the marriage debate - gay vs. straight, do we not first have to determine and decide which entity has legal, not moral, priority, the church or the state? Is marriage only a religious rite/ritual? NOT!! Every marriage, whether performed in a cathedral/church/synagogue by an ordained minister or a nude wedding in the local park officiated by a JP, is only valid and legal when approved and sanctioned by the "state." Therefore, maybe all religions should just get out of the marriage business - stipends, gratuities, church and hall fees and rentals??!! - And we the people can go back to "jumping the broom" whenever we choose, with whomever we choose, for ourselves - the choice only decided by the couple themselves - whether gay or straight!!??!!

posted on July 23, 2008 4:28 PM ()


and I appreciate your opinion and have listened. i may not agree. but i listen and recognize your opinion.
comment by writerproducer on Aug 7, 2008 7:03 PM ()
Marriage is about love. All people want love and companionship. Who is to judge? Becareful how you throw stones, it's usually the person with the problem who is the problem.
comment by writerproducer on Aug 7, 2008 7:01 PM ()
One good thing about gay marriages - they won't be contributing to the gene pool.
comment by ancient1 on July 25, 2008 9:09 AM ()
Marriage is a contract recognized by God and State. The State might recognize gay marriage and grant its grace$. I don't know if God sees it the same way.
comment by think141 on July 24, 2008 6:29 AM ()

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