A recent Op-Ed in my local commie rag caught my attention: "Divorce the Church from the State." This of course is a turn around on the U.S. Bill Of Rights issue to keep the "state" from interfering with the "church" or any person's choice of religion.
In the marriage debate - gay vs. straight, do we not first have to determine and decide which entity has legal, not moral, priority, the church or the state? Is marriage only a religious rite/ritual? NOT!! Every marriage, whether performed in a cathedral/church/synagogue by an ordained minister or a nude wedding in the local park officiated by a JP, is only valid and legal when approved and sanctioned by the "state." Therefore, maybe all religions should just get out of the marriage business - stipends, gratuities, church and hall fees and rentals??!! - And we the people can go back to "jumping the broom" whenever we choose, with whomever we choose, for ourselves - the choice only decided by the couple themselves - whether gay or straight!!??!!