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Black Conservative Thought

Politics & Legal > Global Warming???

Global Warming???

Isn’t it amazing that after all of these years, the hoax of the “man made global warming” fiasco is seeing the light of public scrutiny? Real true and honest climatologic scientists and meteorologists have known for years that the “global warming” “evidence” was manufactured and rigged to support only one point of view.
AlGore and his corrupt and crooked ilk have to resort to Photoshop doctoring GoogleEarth pictures to hide the truth. The truth would put him out of business.
This past decade, 2000 – 2009 has been a cooling trend? At least there has been no further warming.
During the 1970s – 1990s, yes it did get warmer! Average global temperatures rose a massive 1&1/4 degree Fahrenheit. Wow, what a difference – the time I spent in Greenland, near the North Pole – 60 degrees below zero – that rise to 58 &3/4 degrees below zero would seem like a heat wave???
But, as I recall from High School, the entire decade of the 1960s was temperature static – no rise, no fall. And this was when national magazines and politicians were clamoring over the impending future “ice age.” As always is the case, politicians and their coconspirators of the mainstream media are always ten years behind.
Now the years of 1930s through the 1950s were very cold worldwide. WWII was right in the middle of this freeze wave – and, this was the famous Russian Winter that defeated the German Army in Leningrad.
With our great wonderful Earth, nothing stays the same, constant change and evolution. A few million years ago, the entire planet was covered a mile deep in ice. A few million years before that, ¾ of the Earth was a Tropical Ocean “paradise”??? Just an infinitesimal drop of time to Mother Earth.!!!

posted on Nov 25, 2009 3:20 PM ()

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