I forgot about those things- the energy light bulbs- I also only put on light bulb in each light fixture regardless if it was a two or three slot! I do believe also your water heater being turned down will save you - it makes you feel better too! I hope all is well with your eye - I will pray for positive results!
True - I believe everything I read!
Thats amazing!
Beautifully said!
I did the same thing with our water heater! I was bound to lower my electric bill- I almost turned it down to vacation mode! I am so cheap (or poor!) however you want to put it! I just don't like to pay bills that are outrageous -, I would rather spent it on food! I turn off the water in the sinks - and unplug EVERYTHING- it may sound silly but a few years ago I watched a show on conserving energy! My fridge is turned down as low as it can go- the only thing that bothers the kids is that the microwave is always unplugged!But I am saying it worked - my house is always unplugged when something is turned off and my electric bill is $19.00-25.00 a month! But I have propane to heat my hot water also. Where I am from if you are of limited income the electric company gives you a electric discount - which I do have now- with the prices going up on everything right now and I am not making any more money I really save where I can! Every time I read a blog of yours I wonder if it was me writing it! All but your children are older. I stopped drinking soda last week - for other reasons but I am doing it! For the first time in my life I am drinking water- I do drink my coffee in the morning - i am not going that far just yet! Good luck I fear the day my son grows up and leaves me - I have a few years to think about that! I will pray for him- but with such a strong woman for a mother it seems he will work things out on his own!
Welcome to mybloggers - hope you enjoy this blog world!
We all live and learn-it just stings when it comes from our children! Tomorrow is a new day!
Great post- how do I find that site? It would be interesting to look up mine
Wonderful- very interesting! I'll have to look mine up - would be fun to read!
Great picture!
Thank You - that means alot to me!
Life gets better once you are truly happy! I never understood why i stayed so long in a unhappy/ unhealthy relationship! Everyone deserves happiness in life! It feels great - things look better! The flowers look wonderful!
I don't want to have teenagers - please someone make them stay the age they are now! lol This is my biggest fear! Oh- I don't know if I could handle this- I can't even let my children walk to the corner store without following them from a distance(not my 6 year old - my 13 year old!)I would be frustrated also! Scary watching some children these days- I hope my children have good judgment!