This is how my mother made Swiss Steak. I don't know if it's the traditional recipe or just what she called it. She served it with cheesy creamed potatoes.
Swiss Steak
Sirloin or round steak, cut into serving size pieces
2 - 3 sliced onions
1 can diced tomatoes
1/4 cup chopped sweet peppers
Oregano or Italian seasoning
Put the steaks on a cutting board and use the dull side of a kitchen knife to whack them on both sides. Rub in some flour and season with salt and pepper. In a Dutch oven that can go in the oven, cook the sliced onions and sweet pepper in the hot oil until transparent but not browned. Remove to a plate and put the meat in the pan to brown on both sides, adding more oil if needed. Return to the onions to the pan and pour the tomatoes over. Season with the oregano or Italian herbs. Bake at 350 degrees for about 1 hour, until the meat is tender. You can also do the final cooking in a crock pot.
Cheese Potatoes
Potatoes, peeled and cut into chunks
White sauce:
1 tablespoon butter
1 tablespoon flour
Grated cheese, American or cheddar
Boil the potatoes until tender. Drain and keep warm. Melt the butter and stir in the flour and salt. Cook for a minute, then gradually stir in milk to make a nice sauce, not too thick or thin. Stir in the cheese and simmer until it melts. Stir in the potatoes, coating them evenly.
Another thing my mother made was thick pork chops baked in tomato soup.
Thick pork chops
Saltine cracker crumbs
1 beaten egg
1 can tomato soup, not diluted
Coat the pork chops with flour, dip them in the beaten egg, then in the flour, then the beaten egg, and then in the cracker crumbs, pressing in the crumbs. In a Dutch oven that can go in the oven, brown the chops in oil on both sides. Pour tomato soup over the chops with maybe 1/4 can water, cover, and bake at 350 degrees for 1 to 1 1/4 hours or until the chops are cooked through and tender.
She probably served these with those same potatoes. I'm making the Swiss steak tonight, but don't have any potatoes, so I'm going to have to make either rice or pasta to go with.