Mrs. Kitchen


Mrs. Kitchen
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Food & Drink > Recipes > Home Fries

Home Fries

Looking through Pierre Franey's "60-Minute Gourmet" I came across a recipe for Pommes de Terre a Cru aka Skillet Fried Potatoes. The method is similar to my mother's recipe for what she called home fries: potatoes cooked from the raw state.

Skillet Fried Potatoes
4 large Idaho potatoes, peeled
1/4 cup olive or other cooking oil
2 tablespoons butter
Salt and pepper
1 clove garlic, finely minced
2 tablespoons finely chopped parsley

Cut the peeled potatoes into very thin slices, dropping them into cold water as they are sliced. Heat the oil in a skillet. Dry the potatoes with paper towels. When the oil is hot, add the potatoes, tossing and shaking the skillet to prevent sticking. Cook for 15 minutes, until golden, turning gently to prevent breaking the slices. Drain the potatoes in a colander, saving the oil. Pour the oil back in the skillet. Add the butter, and when it is hot, add the potatoes back plus the garlic and parsley, and continue cooking, stirring and tossing gently, about 3 minutes.

Here is how my mother made her similar dish:
Home Fries

Wash some potatoes and don't bother peeling. Slice thinly into a hot cast iron skillet greased with olive oil or bacon fat. Slice a medium onion in there, too. Stir around and cover with a big lid. Cook 8 to 10 minutes, then turn the potatoes. Cover and cook some more until tender. Season with salt and pepper and serve.

Hash Browns

Cooked potatoes, peeled or unpeeled
Olive or other cooking oil
Salt and pepper

Grate the cooked potatoes on the largest grater you have. Heat the oil in a cast iron skillet and add the potatoes. Cook until brown on one side, turn over in large clumps and brown the other side. Season with salt and pepper.

Julia Child would have us cook the above potatoes until very brown and crusty on the bottom, turn it out onto a plate and heat up more oil in the pan before turning the potatoes back into the pan to brown the other side.

Of course you can add diced green pepper to your cooked potatoes during the cooking.

posted on Mar 5, 2011 4:09 PM ()


comment by kristilyn3 on Mar 7, 2011 2:34 PM ()
Tonight I made them lower fat by using just a little olive oil and baking the sliced potatoes and onions in a casserole with no lid at 375 degrees until done, stirring frequently so the ones on top didn't get hard. Very good.
reply by kitchentales on Mar 8, 2011 7:51 PM ()
I hate grating potatoes but home made hash browns are delicious.
comment by elderjane on Mar 6, 2011 9:20 AM ()
One thing we never made is potato pancakes using raw grated potatoes. I guess they just weren't in the family heritage on either side.
reply by kitchentales on Mar 6, 2011 4:56 PM ()
What a coincidence! Along with my quiche, guess what I made? Yep. Fried potatoes and onions! And I did it just as you have written, except with chives (don't like parsley). ESP going on here?
comment by solitaire on Mar 6, 2011 6:30 AM ()
Yep, it's ESP. Chives sounds like a great addition. I think I'll try growing some at my place in Colorado, have to find a good spot.
reply by kitchentales on Mar 6, 2011 4:52 PM ()
I use your Mom's technique, and that's just how I make hash browns. Adding russet potatoes to the shopping list....
comment by marta on Mar 5, 2011 5:46 PM ()
My mother bought a 100 pound sack of red potatoes from the farmer every year and we kept them underground in a pump pit. It had a house on top of it that looked like a dog house, and she'd send us out there to get some potatoes for supper, had to move the house out of the way and climb down a re-bar ladder.
reply by kitchentales on Mar 6, 2011 4:55 PM ()
My favourite are German Fried Potatoes: Slice peeled potatoes and fry in gobs of butter. Dump on the salt and serve. Sadly, I can no longer eat these.
comment by nittineedles on Mar 5, 2011 4:43 PM ()
My recipes are just fancy versions of that. I could have saved myself a lot of typing!
reply by kitchentales on Mar 6, 2011 4:53 PM ()

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