I think I'm all ready. I have bought a few nice clothes to wear, comfy shoes that are not gym shoes, been waxed, have new hair, and my nails are done. I'm ready to jet set to the fashion capital of the world.
Today I contacted simply Italy to see if we can get tickets to see "The Last Supper." I had no idea that you have to get tickets. The one thing working in our favor is that we can go on just about any day or any time. Hopefully, we can see it. Both of us have never seen it before!
I'm also thinking about taking a day or two trip to Venice since I'm all the way in Italy. I might go the two days that he is working. How fun!!!
The weather is going to be in the fifties and raining the whole time I'm there. But hey, I'll be in Milan. I don't care if it is raining. I'm reading a book about the top 25 things to do in Milan, and I'm making plans. I'm even trying to learn a little Italian.
I can't believe that I leave tomorrow!!!!