Kevin yandell


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Life & Events > Bin Walkabout Olonga Track

Bin Walkabout Olonga Track

Our Queens birthday gives most workers a three day break , even though the weather is cold and rainy its not enough to stop people from getting out and about , even some campers this time of year.
Cath and I haven't ventured too far either just over to the grandaughters 6th birthday at her house . have made a few fishing lures for next time to pass the time , and brought the laptop up to date by putting more music in , Cath has been busy knitting and crocheting for the family --blankets etc , though she also pulled a muscle in her back using the vacumn cleaner which I have been rubbing liniment in , she done that Saturday and its eased off some now. not much else to put in except for some aboriginal paintings.
\Well I was going to-------EDDIE WHERE ART THOUGH ---- post picture not working

posted on June 10, 2013 12:30 AM ()


Enjoy your time!
comment by panthurdreams on June 11, 2013 11:53 AM ()
well I am not going to brag about the weather.If I wake up every day and alive.I do not give a rat f what the weather is.Who cares.I have ninety,have eighties,have zero.Just get out and enjoy.
Tell the misuses get on the floor to stretch out her back.Get the leg up and stretch.It works out fine.Stretching is very important of one have any kind of problems.You six feet four.
Are you the jolly Green Giant.I love you man.
comment by fredo on June 10, 2013 2:07 PM ()
not a giant but popular as a ruckman when I played football. told her about the floor idea which I used years back when I was injured, and as you say it works, another one from my grandmother was a red flannel shirt wrapped around the back
reply by kevinshere on June 10, 2013 5:39 PM ()
We have had beautiful weather the past 2 days but it is suppose to go up to the 90s by the end of the week!
comment by greatmartin on June 10, 2013 9:08 AM ()
4 days above average rains forcasted this week
reply by kevinshere on June 10, 2013 5:41 PM ()
Yesterday morning our river was about a foot deep when the fishermen got here, and within a couple of hours, it went up another foot - water release from the dam above us. They were really surprised.
comment by troutbend on June 10, 2013 8:36 AM ()
once staying at a caravan park I moored my boat by the bank ,then they closed the lock up river and was stranded , had to go back a week later when the river rose
reply by kevinshere on June 10, 2013 5:44 PM ()
Sounds like typical winter activity..... hang in!
comment by jjoohhnn on June 10, 2013 5:56 AM ()
No choice though in July we usually get some fine but cold days good enough to go fishing
reply by kevinshere on June 10, 2013 5:46 PM ()
Do the aborigines still go walkabout? Tell Cath to be careful of her eyes and give her our best.
comment by elderjane on June 10, 2013 5:01 AM ()
Out bush nowadays they have cars , even then some have nearly died of thirst when broke down , the distances are hundreds of miles between camps Tell Cath to take it easy is like talking to a brick wall
reply by kevinshere on June 10, 2013 5:50 PM ()

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