Jennifer Smith


Jennifer Smith
Atlanta, GA
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The Old Woman In The Shoe

Education > K through 12 > Public Education Public Failure

Public Education Public Failure

I m ticked off this morning and have been since last night. You see I am defiantly not a supporter of public education though I also had no idea of the reality of until after my children had already entered the system. Now I have one home schooled and two in public school and my youngest will got to public school as well.

I get harassed from both sides for the choices I have made but I made them for a reason. I do feel it is important for my kids to be involved in many of the activities school provides that cannot be provided on the same level they can in public school. One of these things is sports. I will get all kinds of home school supporters saying well they can play this or they can play that outside the realm of public school and in the private sector but as they are gabbing out their mouth they are talking out their behinds. There is no way you can get say, the same level of coaching and competitiveness in home schooling and while some, very few schools will allow you to still be on the teams the whopping majority will not and I believe sports ,a competitive edge and teamwork are as important to a child as academics.

My children are educated both in the home and at their public school while one son is being educated at home the reason for this, he was not getting what he needed in the public school. He is anti-social; this is part of him having asbergers autism. He is different and highly functioning not to mention has a IQ most dream about having. While being brilliant does this make him a good student, absolutely not. He is a terrible student and cannot work with others in a group at all. He needs constant attention. So let me first say many are going to say well there is special education. Yeah right, I am going to put my brilliant child in a class with other kids who are all bundled together in spite of their special needs where most of them are low functioning and he is just the opposite. Forgive me for being bitch and not being willing to that to my son but before you go on he cannot get special education any way, you see he is blind in one eye and because of this he is not eligible for special education. It is a loophole. He must be in special education for his disability not his behavior problems however he does not have any special needs because of his blind eye there for no special education for him. No I did not misunderstand the school officials I fought this for five years and now home school.

To further my disdain my middle boy is in the gifted program, he is in fourth grade and I recently found out that the gifted kids, once they are in middle school MUST take a foreign language, okay I was cool with that but no it could not be that simple, the only language they offer is Spanish. What kind of bull is that, so they are going to force my child to take a language I do not want him to learn unless of course he chooses to. I have no intention of supporting the governments need to make everything bi-lingual English is their language of birth anything else will be of choice.

Yesterday took the cake though, apparently two boys in middle school were fingering a girl on the bus and someone told. All three are being expelled, not detention, expelled. Again this is cool but NO they have to go and screw it all up again. These kids who are being kicked out of school will not be officially expelled until next week, why? Apparently their infraction was not bad enough for the school to require them to be expelled immediately but to wait until after their crct test to expel them to make sure they get the funding for those kids before they get kicked out.

Did I mention our schools no longer send home “projects” of any kind or give any grade less than a C? Why, so the ones whose parents do not help them have an equal chance. So the kids of crappy parents get an even playing ground but my BRIGHT kids get left behind. I certainly am not rich but can make sure my kids get the basics why not just take a collection for the poor kids, why can’t the churches donate? Because we will let mommy government take care of us there for no one else will ever need be asked to give instead we can get taxed for substandard schooling. Everyone talks a big game about the parents not participating, giving or helping but how can we when our power is taken out of our hands?

On the flip side why should the school supplies I buy be added to a community pool for all to use? If I decide I want my boy to have those new, fancy crayons that screw up I bought them for him not so they could be added to a pot for every one to use. I donate regular crayola crayons, I despise the off brand, for the kids who do not have. They are not entitled to my sons things or the efforts I put forth making that money for my son.

I have lucked out, right now my children have wonderful teachers it is just a shame they are restricted by the powers that be and their agenda.

posted on Apr 18, 2008 6:25 AM ()


Well, as teacherwoman, since I have been in the public education system, I won't say too much. I am being very disciplined. I must say, though, that if teachers were paid their worth, better teachers would enter the field. Also, the laws do bind teachers in many ways they can't get around. For instance, "No Child Left Behind." Unfunded, mandated, takes money away from schools with TEST SCORES that are deficient... so most schools are forced to teach to the test... can't be good (2nd graders having to know beginning division? Do the law-makers know nothing of Piaget's studies of readiness?) Uh-oh... I think I did go on... undisciplined! I see Elkhound's answer as I am typing this. Teachers spend literally thousands each year on supplies. I have the receipts to prove it. Oh my. I will stop.
comment by sunlight on Apr 30, 2008 11:31 PM ()
Wow this is different from Florida. I'm a teacher here at a great high school. Anything you collect from kids (tissue, etc.) is used exclusively by the teacher who collects it. Also, these kids DO get F's, please. 40 is the lowest grade you can give, but definitely not a C. AND I do have teens who flunk out for whatever reason. I'm shocked that they would allow those kids to keep coming to school, down here they call an immediate meeting of this particular learning area's principal as well as the school administration and deans and usually decide immediately whether they are axed or not. I'm stunned by this. I thought Georgia was supposed to be progressive educationally. Go figure, right?And in defense of public education, as a teacher at my particular school, we have so many kids who get into Ivy League schools because of the high amount of Advanced Placement classes we have and the amount of students who actually get college credit while they are in high school. I'm blessed to be teaching Journalism and I know what my students learn -- hands on publishing of a newspaper and yearbook. That's why I end up with so many kids who get degrees in Journalism. I guess every school is different.
comment by teacherwoman on Apr 18, 2008 4:19 PM ()
Public schools keep "dumbing the curriculum down" so the gifted children are lost souls. The public education system is a total disgrace. I still can't believe in California they banned home schooling. I guess they could stand the thought of losing tax money. Stupid jackasses.
comment by gapeach on Apr 18, 2008 3:15 PM ()
that is infuriating! my son is only in first grade and I am already getting a taste of how poor the public schools are. kota is constantly having his supplies stolen from him. but the teacher does help to supply the kids as well, out of his own pocket.
comment by elkhound on Apr 18, 2008 6:37 AM ()

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