Janet T


Janet T
Vancouver, BC
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Cities & Towns > It's Not You. It's Me.

It's Not You. It's Me.

What is the matter with me? I can't stand the stench of the neighbour's fabric softener wafting out through their dryer vent. I must retreat into my house when they light up their stinky, skunk joints. If their brats are outside they are screaming...happy = screaming, angry = screaming, frustrated = screaming, playing = screaming, want something = screaming. They have no clue what an inside voice is. I think back on when they first moved in and the man said they were a nice quiet family who didn't have loud parties. OK, so he was telling the truth about the parties. They haven't had one yet but they are by no stretch of the imagination a quiet family. The woman swears like a sailor and she doesn't care who can hear. Cuss words are just part of her vocabulary. The man is one of these modern dads who, after watching his 9 year old daughter slam into our common fence 3 or 4 times quietly says, "Honey, please don't keep ramming the fence (with your battery operated car). I can't afford to build a new one." Their side is now missing 4 boards and now we are on notice that we will be paying, in entirety, for replacing the aging structure. We know they can't afford it because they appear to have spend all their spare money on toys for the kids; trampoline, large above ground pool, large plastic play house, the battery operated car, a back yard littered with toys, toys and more toys. I don't understand why I'm so intolerant of my neighbours. It's not you. It must be me.

posted on July 11, 2020 6:42 PM ()


Some people just don't know how to be neighbors. It's one of those relationships that can be really good or really bad. Sounds like yours are very modern and selfish on both sides. It makes you miss that generation that saw being neighborly as a badge of honor.
comment by jerms on Aug 3, 2020 1:21 PM ()
Reminds me of me telling someone 'everyone's family is dysfunctional in some way, but yours sounds particularly bad.' I don't know if that was the validation she was looking for, but it was the best I could do.
comment by traveltales on July 14, 2020 7:59 PM ()
I th ink it is a combination of their irritating behavior and the deprivation we have all experienced of the small pleasures we were used to before this awful virus made them unacceptable. One of my neighbors brought over a large, live trap and we endeavored to get a huge rat that boldly lives in our neighborhood. Instead we trapped a small and very hungry young possum. He not only ate the can of alpo in the trap, he ate the paper bowl it was in. He has been released and Ted is thinking we should have kept him for a pet. I don't think so, he has
plenty of outdoor life in the field behind our h ouse. Obviously my neighbors are nicer than yours. Have been missing you.
comment by elderjane on July 12, 2020 9:36 AM ()
One of my greatest pleasures is sitting out on the deck, knitting. Covid-19 is definitely not one of the reasons I'm missing it. I believe EVERYONE'S neighbours are nicer than mine. Mustn't forget about the cat hating woman on my other side with the pack of barking dogs. I love my house. I love my yard. I shouldn't be wanting to move.
reply by janett on July 12, 2020 3:44 PM ()
It doesn't sound like a place near where I'd want to live. So maybe it's not you.
comment by jjoohhnn on July 12, 2020 7:58 AM ()
Oh John, you totally missed my sarcasm.
reply by janett on July 12, 2020 3:38 PM ()

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