The local HS football team (Tiffin Columbian) won last night 83-82 in overtime with a two-point conversion after touchdown. The Columbian running back got over 516 yards!
My daDDy sez therez too many people getting drunk on fear, the emotion fanned by the news channels and their harping on Ebola beyond the basic facts. CNN has many talking heads and at the beginning of each one's two or three hour show they repeat the very same stuff the others have already talked about. MSNBC tends to do the same. Meanwhile, FOX News can't get anything straight and keeps blaming it on Obama, atheists and baseball fans. OK. Switch to THE WALKING DEAD if you want something truly fictitious. It's better entertainment than watching ambulances and people in Haz Mat suits anyway. Or, there was a good football game on ESPN between Boise State and Fresno State last night.
My daDDy he only gibs the homies (kittiez) distilled water frum jugs now cuz he found out that tap water contributes to UTI in pets. Rinny he had a seryus UTI three weeks ago and went to the VET for a day but it is cleared up now and Rinny heez a happy cat. The water it costs 97 cents a day but it is cheeper than that $300 vet bill!
life. It was really worth it and she didn't mind the switch.