The homies rushterd to the back door cuz my daDDy he comed in hanging on to four huge bags of grosheries. Then he sed "DaDDy's Back" and put them onna table and started shoving stuff in the cabnets and the fridge.
Then they spotted a package of whut looked like sausage and he dropped it onna floor and Rinny and Quincy bofe got a good sniff at it and Rinny he sed "OMG! ITZ SAUSAGE!"
Then when my daDDy he wuz all done the homies talked about whut the sausage wuz gonna end up tasting like. NOM NOM. And they know SAUSAGE, cuz he always has sum leftover fer the kittiez.
He also put some bags of food in a cabnet. Looks like we're stocked fer a week.