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Cranky Swamp Yankee

Life & Events > Stages


I was at The Main Street Café in downtown Willimantic, CT the other night, having dinner and a few pints with a couple of young friends of mine , Thayer and Casey. At one point in our animated and enjoyable conversation, I remember saying that there is no “age” that I would like to return to in life.

I don’t miss my youth. I enjoyed it while I had it, but I am discovering that there are even more enjoyable and wonderful things to experience as I grow older.

I meant it. I still mean it. I must be the odd man out in this world, because I am perfectly happy and content exactly where I am in life, doing exactly what I’m doing.

As time passes I shed certain old roles and obtain new ones. Rather than lamenting over the ones that I’ve lost, I find excitement and joy in the new ones that have presented themselves to me.

With age comes a certain security and peace. I no longer have to build a reputation for myself.  I’ve got one, such as it is, and I’m happy with it.

My life now is peaceful, but NEVER dull. Between all of my hobbies and all of my interests, my life is busy and exciting, and filled with all types of fulfilling adventures.

I am also lucky because I have many good friends who love me…friends of ALL ages, ranging from folks in their early twenties to folks in their late seventies. They all make room for me. They all make me feel like I belong.

One of the biggest new joys in my life began eight years ago. I began the new role of ‘Grampy’, and it has been the best role of my life.

I was standing in the hospital corridor right outside my daughter’s room when I heard little Alyssa Anne herald her own arrival into the world with her first cry.  Twenty minutes later, I was holding her in my arms.

As I looked down at her for the first time, I remember tears falling from my eyes and onto her little gown. I remember Jimmy Buffet’s lyrics running through my head – “Little Miss Magic/Whatcha gonna be?” I remember kissing her soft cheek and whispering in her ear, “Little one, know that you are wanted and always loved!”

Somebody once told me that grandchildren are God’s reward to us for not killing our own kids.

I love this little girl with my whole heart, and she loves her Grampy.

And now, I have two more granddaughters whom I love just as much.

Tomorrow, Alyssa Anne turns eight years old. There will be family cookout at my house to celebrate the momentous occasion.

My yard and house will be filled with family…and so will my heart. I will be surrounded by so many people that I love…my wife, my kids, their spouses and my grandchildren.

Go ahead. Try to tell me that I’m not the luckiest man who ever breathed air.

posted on July 10, 2009 8:18 AM ()

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