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Cranky Swamp Yankee

Politics & Legal > The Party of No Strikes Again

The Party of No Strikes Again

Last week, Senator Jim Bunning of Kentucky formally objected to a bill on the senate floor.

He did so to make a point. 

In doing so, he knew his actions would kill the bill.

He objection was that the bill would cost ten billion dollars, and it provided no way of paying for that price tag.

According to the good senator, congress should not be engaging in such deficit spending.

Unfortunately, the bill to which Mr. Bunning objected was one that would temporarily extend unemployment and COBRA benefits to millions of Americans who are suffering the effects of the country’s greatest economic downturn since The Great Depression.

In other words, starting this week, millions of Americans will not be getting unemployment checks and medical insurance checks.

Now, Mr. Bunning killed this bill because he wanted to make a statement against deficit spending.

Admirable, right?

The funny thing is, Senator Bunning’s righteous abhorrence of deficit spending came into being only since Barack Obama became President of The United States. Before that,  the good senator from Kentucky never objected to ONE SINGLE BILL funding the war in Iraq, even though not one of those bills even suggested how the war would be funded!

 What have we spent on that war? Not billions BUT TRILLIONS!!!!!

Isn’t it a bit strange that Jim Bunning has no problem spending trillions of unappropriated dollars to help out the Iraqis, but he has a hard time spending money to help out his fellow Americans in their times of dire need?

When being grilled by reporters yesterday about his actions as he was getting into an elevator at the Capitol, the senator angrily waved his middle finger over his head and screamed at them to get lost because, “This is a ‘Senators-Only’ elevator!”

It must be nice to be so privileged, huh?

I wonder if Jim Bunning realizes that that elevator was paid for by the taxpayers, many of whom he just screwed out of their only present source of income just to make a political point?

What do you want to bet that he’s against health care reform too?

Oh. By the way. Can you guess what political party Mr. Bunning is affiliated with?

The Party of No is alive and well.

posted on Mar 2, 2010 6:02 AM ()

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