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Cranky Swamp Yankee

Life & Events > Nine-year Span

Nine-year Span

The fact that almost nine years have passed (February, 2001) since Mary Ellen and I last visited Bonaire has given me the occasion to pause and reflect on changes that have taken place in that relatively brief period time.

Travel-wise, Mary and I have been active. She’s been to China for six weeks.

Together, we’ve been to Costa Rica, Acapulco, Nicaragua and Aruba. We’ve sailed through The Panama Canal, floated inside the crater of a mud volcano in Colombia, went scuba diving in Cozumel and Belize. Travelled to Alaska.

Mary and I worked building schools in The Dominican Republic.

The Red Sox won the World Series…twice!

We bought homes in Florida and Maine.

Mary retired after thirty-six years of teaching.

Two of my children and I have reconciled, and now have wonderful relationships when I at one time thought that they would never speak to me again.

We’ve got three grandchildren.

We’ve buried three wonderful dogs and a horse.

I lost my father.

Mary lost her sister to Alzheimer’s Disease.

Mary lost her 102 year old aunt from Maine.

We’ve have many good friends pass away, including one within the last month.

I had my first play produced and the second one in on the verge being produced.

We’ve acquired literally DOZENS of great new friends. (I am tempted to list them all here, but I fear I would forget a couple and cause hard feelings.)

We got Dixie, Fritz, (dogs), Sima and Smoky (cats) Angel (pony) and Mariah (Palomino Quarterhorse).

I wake up in the morning now and put in a hearing aid and put on glasses.

I part my hair on the left side of my head now rather than my right side because it appears that I have less “forehead” that way.

The skin under my chin is beginning to sag.

I’ve crow’s feet in the corners of my eyes.

I weigh about 35 lbs. less than I did nine years ago.

I’ve shrunk about a half inch, according to my doctor, from 5’ 10 ½” to 5’ 10”.

My right shoulder often throbs due to rotor cuff problems.

I take medications for my heart and for being pre-diabetic.

 I feel less jealous others. Probably because my life is so damned good. (I really cannot think of anybody, with the one possible acception of George Clooney, whom I would like to trade places with.)

I am less driven to be “a success” in life.

I’ve become used to my cell phone, spoiled by HDTV, and dependent upon the internet for my work.

(I actually know how to use, and do use many of the features on my cell phone for doing things like converting meters to yards, kilometers to miles, Celcius to Fahrenheit, and calculating tips in restaurants.)

I email.

I text message.

I very rarely use my “land line” at home, and Mary and I are considering getting rid of it. (Unheard even five years ago.)

I “bundle” with my cable company.

I use DVD’s, and video tape cartridges look so prehistoric and bulky to me now.

No more Blockbusters; Netflix now.

Eat more fish and less beef . . . and actually like it.

Michael Jackson died. So did Walter Cronkite, George Carlin, Ray Charles, Johnny Cash, June Carter, George Harrison, Nick Reynolds, Mary Travers, Ted Kennedy, Tim Russett, Peter Boyle, Ed McMahon, Michael Crichton and Ronald Reagan.

Tom Cruise became an idiot.

Mel Gibson became an even BIGGER idiot.

The iphone came into being.

So did Netflix.

So did DVD’s.

So did texting.

Obama became president.

George W. almost wrecked the country with eight years of trying.

Hurricane Katrina hit.

The U.S. economy tanked because of sheer Wall Street greed and everyman stupidity.

Saddam Hussein was found in a spider hole and then executed in a U.S.-backed kangaroo court.

N.C.I.S. came to television. (I LOVE Abby and Gibbs and Ducky and Donozo!)

Britney Spears became a flop.

Janet Jackson staged a huge publicity-grabbing “wardrobe malfunction” during a Super Bowl Halftime show.

Billy Ray Cyrus resurrected his career though the talent of his daughter, Miley.

Sarah Palin. . .well. . .

We achieved victory in Iraq (remember George standing in front the banner on the battleship that declared, “Mission Accomplished!”?) and then the war continued there anyway.

All of these things took place since the time Mary and I last stepped foot on Bonarian soil. This may not have a effect on anybody else in the world, but to me, it is absolutely amazing.

However, what is MORE amazing to me is how I have changed in that time span. I am more in love with my wife that I ever was. I am a more patient and less fearful individual now, probably because of her.

I have relinquished my youth, but where I am now is better. I wouldn’t go back for anything in the world. Today, I have more confidence in myself. Friends and family surround me. I have nothing “to prove” to world any more.

I am much less fearful than I’ve ever been before in my life. I know that nothing can hurt me, including my mother any more.

For the most part, I like who I am and where I am.

It’s funny, but I no longer feel competitive with anybody, and, at the same time, there is no sense of complacency coupled with the peacefulness.

I still have goals. I still strive for better things, but the “things” are more spiritual and individual than before. They are not for others to see and pass their judgment on. Personal goals, I guess.

A good partner makes all the difference in the world.

posted on Dec 29, 2009 12:13 PM ()

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