One of the chief opponents to "the public option" of the health care reform bill is a fellow by the name of Senator Joe Lieberman.
I am from Connecticut. Joe is my Senator. I voted for the man many times. Why? Because I believed he was a man of integrity and honor.
Over the past few years, I've come to understand that I had been duped by this man, and today, I wouldn't vote for him to become the local dog-catcher.
Back when Joe was making a run for the Presidency in the early 2000's, he was actually in favor of health care insurance reform with a public option!
However, in recent months he has balked at health care reform in general and at the public option in particular. Depending upon what month it was when asked why he opposed it, he has given many differing answers. Anything from "It will hurt Medicare", to "It will hurt the doctors", to "We should wait until the recession is over before we seriously consider health care reform."
Well, The AARP has studied the issue, and has come to the conclusion that the heath care reform bill with the public option will actually benefit the senior citizens of this country. In fact, just two days ago, The AARP endorsed the current health care reform bill with the public option.
As far as the doctors are concerned, The American Medical Association also studied the bill, and they also gave it a hearty endorsement two days ago!
I spoke to my doctor about it, and she also endorses the bill, saying that the current state of the health care insurance is driving her and other physicians (who have to pay for health insurance for themselves, their families and their office staffs) out of business!
To be perfectly honest with you, I really don't understand Joe's logic for wanting to wait for the recession to end before considering health care reform. However, in actuality that is a moot point, because the health care reforms will not begin to take effect for at least thirty-six months!
So, with Senator Lieberman's three leading arguments against health care reform debunked, what, you may ask, is the real reason why he is so dead-set against it? What made him change his mind on the whole issue since 2003, when he was decidedly and enthusiastically in favor of heath care reform with a public option?Â
Oh, I don't know. Do you think that his wife, Hadassah, taking a job with one of the largest lobbying firms in the country for pharmaceutical companies has anything to do with it? She took the job in 2006. (It's curious that it was just about that time when Joe started having second thoughts about the issue!)
Ole Joe is lining his pockets with your money!
Read more about this "man of integrity" by clicking on the link below.
I'll tell you one thing; I'll never vote for the liar again.