For the past couple of months, I have been puzzled by reactions from the Politcal Right over President Obama’s policies, proposals and speeches. What could be SO UPSETTING to the American people that they would so VEHEMENTLY oppose a man who was the first president in three elections to be voted into office by a clear majority of the voting public?
What would cause people to go to “Town Meetings†to scream at their representatives and issue death threats against them?
What would cause a man to shout out at the President during a speech on the Congressional chamber floor, calling him a liar, for the whole world to hear?
The whole uproar began with the new medical coverage plan that Obama wants to institute. Rumors began spreading like wildfire about the horrors of the proposed plan. The most frightening of these rumors was that there would be “death panels†set up to decide who would and wouldn’t get medical treatments.
Now that this and other such mis-information has been debunked and the dust is settling, the truth comes out: the biggest complaint that folks have about the bill is the “public option†section, which would allow people to seek government-offered insurance if they thought the private providers were too high in cost.
Why would that bother the average citizen? I mean, don’t they shop at Walmart because of the low prices, even though Walmart runs the little, mom and pop stores out of business while treating its own employees like garbage?
So who cares if the big insurance companies get their ridiculous profits slashed?
The politicians whose pockets are being lined by these big insurance companies, that’s who.
And these politicians tell their constituents, who don’t bother to think for themselves, that the policy is socialism.
On another subject, what was so terrible about the President of the United States speaking to school children and encouraging them to stay in school and get a education? I REALLY DIDN’T SEE what is wrong with that, and I failed to understand the reason for all of the uproar.
Until yesterday.
I was on Blogster recently checking things out, and I happened to stumble across a blog post that suddenly opened my eyes. All at once, the scales fell from my eyes, and I saw what all the commotion about Obama was about.
The blog post in question referred to the President as “The Shithead.â€
Such grace! Such tact! Such intelligence, huh?
(Last year I wrote a post in which I referred to President George W. Bush as a talking chimp. A friend of mine, who is an even-tempered and open-minded libertarian, asked me if I would refrain from that imagery because it was insulting, and it also put me in a bad light. I understood what he said, and I apologized, and I never referred George W. in derogatory terms again. And now the Far Right is referring to the President as “The Shitheadâ€. Go figure, huh?)
There were altered pictures of the President in this blog post also. One had him dressed in a suit something like Chicken George would have worn. His lips were distorted as if they were inflated with a bicycle pump, stereotypically portraying a “Black Manâ€. The only thing that missing was a slice of watermelon.
Another picture had the President as an African tribesman, right down the spear, the loincloth and the bone through his nose.
There were tons of comments to the post, all of them positive, and all of them from bloggers whose blog-names indicated that they were “true blue†Americans.
After reading and viewing that blog, however, I came to a better understanding about what is going on in this country today. This tempest that is swirling around Obama right now, at least among SOME of the his detractors, has nothing to do with politics or policy or the Constitution or medical care or “indoctrination†of our children. It has nothing to do with ANY of that stuff!
It’s main impetus is bigotry. Pure and simple. Hate-filled, unadulterated racial bigotry.
But don’t take my word for it. Go to the post yourself by clicking on the link below and draw your own conclusions.