Many of you will remember this commercial from the 70's...
Living in Rural SD has it’s Pro’s and Con’s – We own a beautiful farm and for the past 7 years we have been re-landscaping. (Our land)
Each year we plant trees and seed areas that still have no grass. It has been a major undertaking but one that has brought us joy and a sense of peace.
Enjoying a cup of coffee while we watch the sunrise is a wonderful way to start the day… and sometimes we end it the same way –

One of the problems many/most of us face in the country is litter.
Half empty bags and containers from fast food restaurants, beer and pop cans, and cigarette butts would top the list… however there are those who dump their old mattresses, couches and broken appliances in the ditches. WHY they are unable to take these items to a landfill/dump is beyond me – The County is wonderful about getting these bigger items picked up, but the landowners are responsible for the rest.
During our daily Spring walks my boys and I will take large trash bags with us and pick up what we can. Sometimes we don’t make it ¼ of a mile before we have filled a bag.
It wouldn’t help to blame this problem on today’s youth as I know adults my age who carelessly whip a pop can out the window (a tongue lashing follows, believe me)
So whom do we blame it on? And how do we clean it up? **sigh**
Now… my thoughts on IDOL –
I wont say I was surprised to see Chickezie go, I never thought he could win. But I was bummed that he was ousted before Kristy. He has a beautiful voice and I feel he could have easily stayed in a few more weeks.

In Kristy’s defense, she did indeed perform well (For the 1st time) – But I really don’t know if it was her singing OR her song choice that impressed me… I LOVE Lee Greenwoods “Proud to be an American†song and I think it was a smart move on her part to perform it…
Next week Dolly Parton will be mentoring!! Awesome!!!
