Not much too say today as things are quiet.
This picture is from last year.
I kind of liked this shot,something evil about it.LOL
Mike is off today and right now he is cat sitting for our neighbor.
Going to feed them.Buffy goes along for the ride.
No,he does not take him in,for fear that the will either chased them or play with them.
He has never been exposed to cats.

As you can see we are ready for winter.
The good news that the oil and gas are coming way down.
This is the only good thing that came out in this bad economics time.
Today,Wall st.is down and was surprised that they were doing business.
Did you see all the dirt on AIG?they are still spending money on dinners,vacation,etc.
Time for them to take a hike.
Well this is a lot of yibberish,just wanted to stay in touch with you.
Have a great day.
Did you thank someone today?

Thank You So Much.
18 yrs of age here.Training at Great Lakes,Ill.