Who said that politic is boring.
Well not much news today around here at the school house.
Tired of talking about the weather.
Just want to say "Happy Friday"to all of my mybloggers buddies.
I must say that it has been so wonderful coming over here.
Feel that I went AWOL from blogster and waiting to get
some sort of summon from them.
Guess,that they do not miss me there.
Met so many new friends here and glad that they accept me.
How about you,don't you just loved it here?
This weekend at the Library our new one at that.
Side by Each
Each is a friend of ours will be displaying his
Along with his mother Leigh English.
Calligraphy and watercolors.
They are well known in our town.

On the left is their house.
No electricty or running water.
They prefer to live like this.
Sort of the old "Hippies Day"Flower child.
Been this was for some time.
They have a well and pump their own water.
This is the drawings
By Eli English.
Tonight is the reception.
It is a fun time and get to see the people that you
have not seen all winter long.
Looking forward to this.
Have a great weekend and will see you in a few.