Here I am and Mike was trying to get a shot of the
Palace Theatre.

A Chorus Line (mini review)
What a wonderful job that these people put on.
First let me explain the theatre.
Palace Theatre.This history beings with a Greek immigrant named Victor Charas,at the age of 24 he arrived in America with very little money and hardly spoke any English.
After doing menial jobs here and there.He found this place to beging constructed on a impressive and grand theatre.
Fashioned after the namesake in New York City,the Palace theatre was(and still remains)similar to its cousin.
On April 19th,1915 The Palace theatre celebrated its opening night with a grand farefare.
The lights of the Palace now joined many other theatre in town area,and was noted the Great White Way.
Now the Chorus Line.
I laughed,cried,happy,and never had so much fun in seeing this again.
This is my fourth time is seeing this and will continued on to do so.
They did a very remarkable job.
I was dancing and singing along with them,quietly of course.
I fee the chill at the opening number.Wow!this brought back memory when I first saw this in NYC.
Had the same feeling.The character were great.
These are profesional people.Most of them had to try out for this part in NYC.
The role of Cassie,Zach ex girlfriend had a great voice,very strong,her dancing was weak but the voice overcome this.Cassie is played my Andrea McCorimick.
Her rendition of The music and the mirrow was great and this was one of the highlight of the show.
Diana singing “Nothing was a little weak but then again just watching her perform and the espression of her face wiped this out.
They were all very good.I am so glad that we went.We had a very nice time there .
Hello Twelve was one of the big number perfomed by Mark,Connie,and company.
The gay boys,,did a very good job there and they were cute of course.
The opening number;I Hope I Get It perfoming by the whole company.
The tap dance “I Can Do Thatâ€he was great and the tapping that goes with this.
If Chorus Line comes your way.This is highly recommend by Martin/Fredo
Martin,do such a wonderful job in reviewing and of course I cannot compete with him.
He is a great writer and wish I had this as a talent.
One thing that I know,learned a lot from him and the music world.
If he was here I know that he would loved it.
Yes,he may have been caution on some of the players.
I said:Never on Sunday: in blogging.But for this,had to get this on.