Alfredo Rossi


Alfredo Rossi
Epsom, NH
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Alfredo Thoughts

Life & Events > Caught!


This is the woman who started the fire in Epsom.
The stupid b---------ch.
If she wanted to get even with her husband should have
shot him.LOL
She ruined a piece of history.
Glad that they got her.
The residents here will be at ease.
I know that this guy is.

A Concord woman was charged yesterday with starting two fires, one that heavily damaged a barn in Epsom last month and another at her apartment building in June.

Investigators say Mary Margaret Yeaton, 43, set fire to a barn on Route 4 in Epsom after arguing with her estranged husband, who used the barn for storage. Yeaton is also accused of lighting a fire on a porch attached to her apartment complex at 19 Horseshoe Pond Lane.

Yeaton was charged with two counts of arson, a felony, as well as criminal threatening and breach of bail for allegedly threatening her husband. The Merrimack County Sheriff's Office helped Epsom with its investigation, which Sheriff Scott Hilliard said was complicated by the severity of the fire.

"It wasn't totaled, but it was quite a bit of damage," he said. "It's very difficult because usually all your evidence goes up in smoke, literally, but there's got to be a motive. In most cases it's not just somebody wanting to do it. There's a reason."

Investigators say that, on July 21, Yeaton used a chemical to start a fire near a part of the barn used for storage. Her husband rented space in the barn, Hilliard said, and the furniture he kept there fueled the flames.

About the same time, a Concord detective began investigating Yeaton after someone called the Concord Regional Crimeline with a tip about a porch fire at Yeaton's apartment building on June 21.

Firefighters "were suspicious back then, but didn't have much to go on," said Concord Sgt. John Thomas.

Thomas wouldn't discuss Yeaton's alleged motive or other details of the investigation.

The Concord fire was small, but the Epsom blaze drew firefighters from 14 communities and shut down part of Route 4 for hours. The owner, David Mihachik, rented storage space to a half dozen small-business owners. Smoke and water destroyed nearly everything inside but the barn itself may be salvageable.

Yeaton is being held at the Merrimack County Jail pending a probable cause hearing or an indictment. Bail was set at $120,000.
Only a 120 thousand,should have been more.

posted on Aug 5, 2008 12:38 PM ()


I am so late on responding to this because I did not know it was out there, the paper only reported what the police told them, the real story never got out, because she did burn that barn down, she did admit it, she did do her time and she did pay for all the damages, she finally faught back with someone that was destroying her and her children. Why post something that is only what is public knowledge but comment on something you know nothing about. Gary Yeaton, her husband is a drug addict, who drives after drinking all day on job sites, she felt so badly for what she did , but when not one agency of law enforcement would help her what choice did she have???? What would you do if no one would help you because your last name is Yeaton! You have a brain injury and nearly died yet still got beat up if you threw the drugs would you save yourself and your kids from the abuse, ask yourself that please. She ruined her life saving herself and kids from it all I for one think she only did what she had to in order to stop it all...........I am not related to her but I was around for most of this #### and even I could not stop him when the Epsom Pd wouldn't help her, the laws failed her, she protected herself, her kids and destroyed the future meth lab, yes I thank her for it!
comment by ameyskn11 on Feb 14, 2012 3:25 PM ()
Wow, just found this blog, what is sad is that no one knows her husband abused her for 15 yrs, is a meth addict and traumatized her kids. The Epsom Police did nothing to help her even though she was in court 4 times a month with him, multiple trips to the hospital and he did not spend one day in jail for what he did to her. IN that barn was everything he needed to make meth in that town! She had 17 stitches in her arm the day she finally faught back, she did not start a fire in her apt building she was having a camp fire to warm up because her husband stop paying his court order support so she could have heat. She had a brain injury years before that and what did he do while she was sick, he was jerking off with her teenage daughters underwear. Get the facts Alfredo befor eyou post, Epsom Pd won't release the facts because they protect who they hire for electrical work for the police station, yes folks a drug addict wife abuser created the codes for the police dept security system. What uninformed people you are.
comment by ameyskn11 on Feb 14, 2012 1:42 PM ()
This has been quite awhile ago.This is not my doings and this was published in the paper.
Have nothing to do with this and just passing out the news.Why are you so late on this /
The fact was in the paper and do not blamed me for this.
reply by fredo on Feb 14, 2012 1:47 PM ()
Wow, just found this blog, what is sad is that no one knows her husband abused her for 15 yrs, is a meth addict and traumatized her kids. The Epsom Police did nothing to help her even though she was in court 4 times a month with him, multiple trips to the hospital and he did not spend one day in jail for what he did to her. IN that barn was everything he needed to make meth in that town! She had 17 stitches in her arm the day she finally faught back, she did not start a fire in her apt building she was having a camp fire to warm up because her husband stop paying his court order support so she could have heat. She had a brain injury years before that and what did he do while she was sick, he was jerking off with her teenage daughters underwear. Get the facts Alfredo befor eyou post, Epsom Pd won't release the facts because they protect who they hire for electrical work for the police station, yes folks a drug addict wife abuser created the codes for the police dept security system. Why uninformed people you are.
comment by ameyskn11 on Feb 14, 2012 1:41 PM ()
The poor woman sounds very desperate.... she obviously needs help. What's her husband like?
comment by clovis on Aug 7, 2008 5:03 AM ()
I'll bet she regrets her stupidity now. There should be a hefty jain term.
comment by elderjane on Aug 6, 2008 10:35 AM ()
Inside of all of us, is a very primal fear of fire, from back in the days when folks lived in caves. I think even today, one has to have a few screws loose to "play with fire." She doesn't belong in jail. She belongs in Long Term Mental Health Supervision, possibly inpatient.
comment by thestephymore on Aug 6, 2008 1:43 AM ()
Wow! I agree that it is sad that she did that! Besides damaging a beautiful building, arson is one of those crimes where you could easily hurt or ckill someone unintentionally.
comment by lunarhunk on Aug 5, 2008 1:41 PM ()
Glad they caught the person..why in the world set fire to places just because your pissed, why not just sock him in the nose...
comment by elfie33 on Aug 5, 2008 1:30 PM ()

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